Peter Parker X Reader - The Backseat

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A/N - This chapter is based loosely on the song 'The Backseat' by The Gaslight Anthem. In this chapter Peter and Reader are both college age. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had always enjoyed watching the sun set over New York. It was ever changing; shifting with the seasons. God, it altered itself every single day. Some evenings, when you were younger, you and Peter would sit on the roof of his apartment building and just stare out at the skyline. He had made it more fun, pointing out certain buildings and giving you facts about each. Names. Heights. Dates. Anything he could remember. 

Your favourite had always been the Chrysler Building. 77 floors of 1930's architectural brilliance all visible from your own home. Peter's was The Radio City Music Hall, which, though not visible from your spot,  he claimed was as bright and beautiful as the city deserved. 

It was one of those nights that you had decided that you loved Peter, though you'd already been dating for a few months. In a moment of pure joy you'd reached over and pressed your lips to his and you'd been so happy that you'd wanted to burst. 

A couple of years later, you'd come to an agreement that you'd both take a year out before going to college. Pete had saved up enough from his internship with Mr Stark, and you'd been saving up your pay checks from your part time job at a local bodega for a couple of years. It would be enough to travel on for a little while. 

So, the two of you borrowed your dad's shitty, beat-up, old Cadillac and hit the road. You had a plan, albeit a very loose one. You would start off at home and end up in California, with a few unplanned stops along the way. 

It didn't take long for you to adjust to living on the road. You'd always enjoyed adventuring, but it had always been in the city when you were younger. But now, your adventuring had gone rogue. You could go anywhere and everywhere you wanted. 

The views were beautiful, and with Pete at your side you felt more free than you ever had before.  You would turn up the music and sing along to the lyrics as though they were written only for you, and each night you would curl up together on the backseat of the car and sleep. 

Every morning, you would wake with an ache in your back and Pete's elbows digging into you, but you were happy. 

This morning, you rested your head on his chest, releasing a content sigh. You truly did love him, no matter how many adults had told you it was just puppy love. According to them you would grow out of it, but you weren't so certain. You couldn't imagine loving anyone like you loved Peter; you didn't want to have to think about it at all.

"Morning," Pete had mumbled, shifting to wrap his arms around you, like he did every time he woke up. "How'd you sleep?"

You hummed slightly, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips. "Perfectly," you uttered, a grin pulling at your lips as you watched a stupid little smile of his own spreading across his face. 

The amount of pure love in the car would probably have made other people want to barf. There was no doubting that the two of you could be sappy and cute better than any other couple you knew. It drove your friends half-mad with the way you could be so endlessly joyful together.

Pete's hand ran up your spine, causing you to release another happy sigh. "How'd you look so pretty when you just woke up?" he murmured, his other hand coming to your jaw and drawing your down to his lips again. 

*Time Skip*

You'd been a little sad when you'd eventually made it to California. Your trip was half way done, and when you returned to New York you'd both have to come to terms with living long distance. Pete would be going off to MIT in the summer and you'd be staying at home to go to Columbia. You'd never been more than a couple of minutes down the street from one another before, and now you were going to be entire states away. Of course, there was no doubt in your mind that you loved Peter. You were determined to make the distance work, but it was still scary to know he wouldn't be close if you needed him. 

It didn't take Peter long to notice that something was playing on your mind. You'd been sitting on the hood of the car looking out to sea for some time, and you hadn't said a word. Usually, you'd be talking endlessly. Describing the colours and the way the waves crashed. Pointing out birds swooping above the water and attempting to draw his attention to fun shaped clouds. But you were silent; just staring.

"What's wrong?"

You hummed slightly, turning to look at him and giving a short shrug. "Nothing. Just thinking," you uttered, leaning over to press your forehead to his shoulder. 

Peter had his hand touching your hair a second later, smoothing it down and soothing your racing brain. "What're you thinking about?" 

"Everything," you murmured against him, pulling back to give him a half-hearted smile. "The last couple of months have been the best time of my life. I'm going to miss it." 

Pete nodded, a silent agreement. He hated to admit it, but he'd been thinking the same thing since you'd first pulled into the parking lot. His hand moved to your jaw, and a second later you were kissing again. It would have made a pretty picture. The two of you silhouetted by the late evening sun. The waves crashing behind you. As he pulled away, Pete was smiling at you. "I love you."

"I know," you uttered softly, a true smile pulling at your lips as you ran your fingers over his jaw. "I love you too."

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