Bucky Barnes X Pregnant!Reader - More Than Friends

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'More Than Friends' by James Hype and Kelli-Leigh. I hope you all enjoy it.

Friends with benefits never works out. Everyone who knew about your arrangement with Bucky had told you as much. It would ruin your friendship and leave you heartbroken, and the sex was never good enough to risk it. Sometimes, you wished that you could agree. But your friendship had only seemed to grow stronger, you had yet to have your heart broken, and the sex was phenomenal. 

It was all going great, actually. Or it had been, until your period had been late. At first, you thought it was just a messed up cycle. They happened all the time. Work stress would lead to bad eating habits and a lack of sleep, and eventually, your body would decide to have its revenge by messing with your time of the month. But as the month continued to stretch on with no sign of a bleed, you began to grow nervous. 

You couldn't be pregnant, you kept reminding yourself as much. Bucky had used protection every time you'd had sex, you'd both made sure of it. But the later your period was, the more stressed you became, until eventually, two weeks after the usual start, you had gone to buy a home pregnancy test. 

Every nerve in your body was on fire as you waited for your results, pacing back and forth in the bathroom in an attempt to pass the time. Two minutes felt like years, but soon enough the timer on your phone let out a shrill ring, and you were grabbing for the test like a greedy child, snatching it from the counter and holding it up. 

Positive. It was fucking positive. You placed the test back on the counter, glancing at yourself in the mirror. You looked a complete mess. Frazzled and lost. Your mind wandered to Bucky for a moment, considering his reaction. How would you even tell him? 

"Fuck," you told your reflection, shaking your head at yourself, "you really fucked up this time." 

*Time Skip*

You had decided that the best thing to do with Bucky was to be honest. You'd called him and invited him over to your apartment, not correcting his assumptions when he sent you a winking face emoji, followed by a thumbs up. Of course he would assume that you wanted to sleep with him, it was one of the only reason's either of you messaged outside of a group chat anymore. 

When he's arrived, he'd been on you in a second, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips, his hands wandering over your hips. He looked genuinely confused when you'd pulled away from him, your face less enthusiastic than usual. 

"I need to talk to you about something," you told him softly, gesturing for him to sit on the couch. He did as he was told, sitting and watching you with his brow furrowed as you hovered at the other end, unable to sit down. You needed to move, needed to be able to pace around to keep yourself from breaking down.  "I-" you paused for a moment, taking a deep breath.

Bucky looked worried now, shifting to face you properly. "What's going on, Y/N?"

"I'm pregnant," you told him softly, watching as he nodded.

"Is it mine?"

You nodded, "You're the only man I've slept with since we began..." you trailed off, mouth hanging open. "I'm really sorry."

Bucky's face softened, and he was on his feet in an instant, pulling in for a tight hug. "It's okay," he murmured in your ear, hands smoothing over your back in an attempt to calm your nervous energy. "It'll all be okay."

"What am I gonna do?" Your voice was so flat that it almost broke Bucky's heart. He had never heard you sound so downtrodden before. You were a strong woman, one of the strongest he had ever met, and here you were, on the edge of breaking down and giving up. "If it was someone else it would be so easy. I could just cut them out of my life and have a baby on my own. But you aren't just anyone Buck, I don't want to cut you out."

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