Bruce Banner X Reader - Cold Water

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Cold Water' by Major Lazer, Justin Bieber, and MØ. I hope you all enjoy it.

"This is a terrible idea," you started softly, watching as Bruce paced back and forth in front of you. He had been doing this for almost an hour now, and you were beginning to worry about the structural integrity of the carpet beneath his feet. "Bruce, you can't become half the other guy for the rest of your life, that's insane."

Bruce paused for a moment, looking at you, your lips slightly pursed as you watched him, a stern look on your face. "But what else can I do? He won't come out on his own anymore."

You tutted slightly, shifting on your seat as you shook your head. "You've been fighting to keep him inside for years and now all of a sudden you miss him?" You shook your head and got to your feet. "This is ridiculous and I'm not having this conversation anymore." 

"Y/N, come on," Bruce caught your arm in his hand, stopping you on your journey towards the door, "I need you on this one."

You glanced up at him. Usually the little furrow in his brow would make you smile, watching him concentrating on his work had always been one of your past times before... But now, it was something completely different, and you found your frown deepening. "No," you muttered softly, pulling your arm from his grip and gently as you could. "I'm sorry Bruce, but I can't." 

Bruce watched in shock as you took a step away from him. "Babe," he started softly, watching as your face softened for a second, before returning to it's hurt expression. "Y/N, please." You turned on your heel, quickly making your way out of the room, unable to face him anymore.

Your bedroom was the only place you could think to go to, hidden away at the back of the Avenger's facility, where no one would ever bother you. Bruce had always slept weird hours, and it was the only part of the facility that wouldn't be teeming with noise all day. It had been useful once, when everyone was still here, but now... the whole place seemed eerily quiet. 

The room was cold when you reached it, bringing a smile to your face. A fantastic excuse to burrow under the covers and pretend you didn't exist, a recent pastime of yours.

You had only been in bed for a few minutes when the door opened and Bruce walked into the room, the floorboards creaking and giving him away. You stayed hidden away, hoping he would eventually leave you alone, if only for a little while.

"Y/N?" You wanted to cry, wanted to scream and tell him that you couldn't face losing him too, that he was the only one keeping you sane in this hell hole of a world. But nothing came out and you simply shuffled under the covers, burrowing deeper. "I know you're here, babe," he uttered, crossing the room and sitting on the edge of the bed. His hand found your leg through the covers, giving it a light squeeze. "You gonna come out?"

You shook your head, causing him to let out a short chuckle. "Don't laugh at me," you grumbled, shifting away from him slightly, still hidden amongst the sheets.

"I'm sorry, babe," he started, pulling the covers back and glancing in at you. "Can you come out and talk to me, or do I have to come in?" You frowned out at him, shrugging slightly. "Looks like I'm coming in then, huh?"

You fought to hold back a chuckle as Bruce kicked off his shoes, climbing under the duvet fully clothed and shuffling closer to you. "You are such an idiot," you stated softly, feeling his breath fan out over your face as he smiled softly at you.

"Well, you left me no choice," he murmured, his hand reaching up to run lightly over your cheek for a moment. "I didn't want to upset you," he started softly, "but I feel so useless here, now." You nodded slightly, "the Hulk can do so much, and I... I can't do anything."

"Don't say that," you grumbled, frown deepening, "it isn't true." Bruce fell silent for a moment, leaning forward to press his forehead lightly against yours. "You are good for so many things."


"Yeah. You are like, super smart, and with Tony God knows where we need that more than ever. And you cheer everyone else up, when we all feel like shit. God, without you, I would've fallen apart months ago." You were still frowning as you pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, holding him their for a moment. "You don't need to be anything other than yourself to be useful."

Bruce closed his eyes, leaning forward and wrapping himself around you.

"Tell me you won't go changing yourself," you murmured, "please, I don't think I could handle it right now."

Bruce nodded against you, "I promise."

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