Peter Parker X Reader - The Cure

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'The Cure' by Lady Gaga. It's a little short, but I hope you all enjoy it.

You released a soft sigh as you waited for your water to boil. The world had changed a lot since you had come back from the blip, and it had really started to take its toll on you. Of course, you couldn't complain. You were alive, and you still had Peter. But on occasion it felt as though you had been plunged into ice cold water and you no longer knew which way to turn to reach the surface. 

Running a hand over your face, you gathered a mug and a spoon, adding the tea bag whilst the pot on the hob created its own version of white noise, mixing effortlessly with the dull sound of the TV playing in the other room. When you left the kitchen, you would be smiling again, you reminded yourself silently. Peter needed that strong positive presence at the moment, and you were going to start making him worry about you by breaking down in your living room. 

You finally added the water to the mug, waiting for a moment as it began to change colour. There was nothing in life more warming that hot tea, and you were determined to cheer Peter as much as humanly possible. God, if there was a button you could press to make the pain go away, you would have used it, not matter the cost, but for now you had to use whatever other methods you could find. 

Removing the tea bag, you tested out your smile, glancing at yourself in the little mirror hanging on the fridge as you headed over to the bin. It wasn't perfect, but it would have to do. And then you were headed out into the living room with Peter's drink. 

"Here we go," you murmured, placing the mug down in front of him and slumping onto the sofa next to him. As if on instinct, his arm pulled you close into his side. 

"Thanks, Angel." He punctuated his words with a kiss to the top of your head, and suddenly you felt a little guilty for not being honest with him. He would be so mad if he knew you had been pretending to be fine, but right now he needed your help more than you needed his, and you weren't about to let him neglect his sadness to focus on you. 

You burrowed a little closer to his side, wrapping your arms around his middle and inhaling deeply. "How're you feeling?" you started softly, feeling him tense slightly in your hold. 

"I'm okay." You nodded your understand. Okay didn't mean good, but it was better than it had been when he had come home. He was scared, and alone, and mourning Tony, and for a good couple of days he had done nothing but cry. At one point, he'd been so exhausted you'd had to change his clothes for him and practically lift him into bed. And you'd been happy to do. Of course, you were sad that Tony was gone, and Peter's sadness had broken you, but he was home and he was alive, and that's all you could think of as you'd tucked the sheets around him. 

"Okay," you murmured, taking his hand in yours and giving it a light squeeze. "Do you need anything else?"

Peter shook his head, pressing his face into the crook of your neck and taking a deep breath. "No, just want to stay like this for a while." You hummed your understanding, lifting his hand to press a kiss to his knuckles. "Hey Angel?" 


"Thank you for being here."

You shifted in his grip glancing up at him with a small smile. "There is nowhere in the world I would rather be."

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