Steve Rogers X Necromancer!Reader - Can You Keep a Secret?

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Can you Keep a Secret?' by Ellise. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Shut up," you mumbled, burying your face into the pillow as you attempted to block out the voices that echoed around your head. The same voices that had been plaguing you ever since you had turned 18 and your powers had reared their ugly head. It probably would have been fine if they weren't so nocturnal, but they seemed to love bothering you as soon as you got into bed.

"Talk to me," one of the voices uttered, drawing your eyes open. Sitting cross-legged on the bed beside you was a girl, no older than 14, with a smile painted on her lips. "Oh, you ARE awake," she continued, a snort of laughter following her words. "I thought you'd somehow managed to pass out in spite of all of this," she added, gesturing wildly into the room. 

She was right, it would have been a miracle to get any sleep with the chaos going on around you. There had to be a total of 15 dead people in the room, not including the girl beside you. "Can you get rid of them?" you grumbled, pulling the duvet up over your head.

"They don't listen to me," she answered softly, listening to the sigh that fell from your lips. Suddenly, you were throwing back the covers and getting to your feet. 

"Will you shut up?" you bit out, frustration dripping from you with every syllable. It had been weeks since you'd had a proper nights sleep, and it was starting to take its toll, dark circles forming under your eyes.  You paused for a moment as they all looked in your direction, and then they were speaking again, tripping over themselves in an attempt to get your attention. "Stop it," you yelped, silencing them all for just a moment. "You need to leave me alone," you continued, swallowing around the lump in your throat. 

A knock on your door startled you slightly, dragging the confidence out from under your feet and leaving you a little breathless as you glanced in the direction of the noise. "Y/N? Are you alright?" 

God. Of course Steve would come running the second he heard anything out of the ordinary. "I'm fine," you called back, running your hands over your face in frustration. "Just talking to myself," you added, chuckling in an attempt to sound light hearted.

"Can I come in?" 

You paused for a second, your mouth opening and closing as you glanced at the dead people, who had taken back up in their chatter. "One moment." You hurried over to the bed, kneeling in front of the young girl and watching as she smiled.

"He's handsome," she started, interrupting before you could say a word. "You should definitely let him in," she added, smiling when your eyes widened in horror.

"You are a child," you whispered, pointing at her in your best impersonation of a stern school mistress. "And I need you to do me a favour and keep them quiet. I can barely think straight when he's around as it is, let alone when they're being so loud." 

She nodded slightly. "I'll try, but they never listen-"

"Just do your best." 

You straightened up, pulling at your pyjamas in an attempt to look a little more presentable, and finally opened the door, offering up a small smile. "Hey," Steve started, glancing around you and into the room. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I hear practically everything in this building when it's quiet-"

"It's fine," you interrupted. "No need to explain."

"So, who were you talking to?"

Your brow furrowed and a small chuckle fell from your lips. "No one," you started softly. "As I said, just talking to myself."

"Who's he?" a voice interrupted, catching you off guard and making you flinch from how close it was. You swallowed, forcing your smile back onto your lips. "He looks very nice," the older woman continued, moving through you and closer to Steve. "Is he your boyfriend?" she added, glancing back at you with her face mere inches from his. 

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