Tony Stark X Super!Reader - Dance Monkey

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Dance Monkey' by Tones and I. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had never intended to get yourself involved in the superhero life. Keeping under the radar with powers was hard enough without using them to save the world every other day. Especially when you had powers like yours. Fire manipulation could be useful in a world that was slowly destroying itself through global warming, but it came with a lot of dangers. 

You'd only learnt that you'd had the power when you'd made another kid's bunsen burner explode in school. She's been torturing this other kid for weeks, tearing him down whenever she got the chance, and you'd been thinking about how much you'd love to take her down a peg and teacher her a lesson when: Boom. It was lucky that no one had been seriously hurt. Of course, the girl had singed eyebrows and the whole room stunk of burnt hair, but there was no need for a hospital visit. 

After that it had been a case of figuring out your powers for yourself. Candles and fireplaces became your best friends, and helped you to hone your skills until you could turn it on and off at will. In fact, by the time you were leaving high school you could conjure a flame of any size without the need for a spark. 

But you didn't want people to know. You'd seen how people had treated other supers in the past. They became outcasts, treated like they had some sort of disease. Or, they went the Tony Stark route and became celebrities, celebrated and watched by millions, waiting to see the powers come out in full force. You didn't want to live that life, and so instead you kept your powers to yourself, used in the safety of your apartment. 

It wasn't until Loki unleashed hell on New York that you even debated using your powers in public. Of course, you wanted to help and you knew that you would be a valuable member of a super team, but the idea of giving up the life you had built for yourself continued to weigh on you. 

Or it did, until you saw the destruction the Chitauri could do. They'd torn buildings in half and there was no doubt in your mind that they would completely ruin New York if people didn't intervene. You didn't live far from Manhattan, and you'd been out of your apartment and into the car without a second thought. 

When you'd arrived, the Avengers had already made an appearance, taking down as many of the alien creatures as they could manage. Captain America had looked a little shocked as he saw you climb out of the car, and he was headed in your direction a moment later, attempting to move you away from the chaos of the battle. 

"Ma'am, get back in the car," he'd called out to you, pausing mid step as you'd allowed your hands to fill with flames. 

"I'm here to help," you started. There was no going back now; no pretending that you could have a normal life. And most surprisingly, there was no regret at your actions. "Where should I go?"

The Captain stared at you for a moment, swallowing as he glanced around. "How'd you-"

"I'm better at doing stuff from a distance," you added, interrupting his own train of thought.

He nodded, managing to send you a small, half-hearted smile. "I'll have someone get you to the roof." You nodded eagerly, your eyes roaming the space around you as he began speaking into his earpiece.  

You began picking off a few of the creatures as you waited for your lift, shooting them out of the sky and watching as they came tumbling down to the earth. It seemed that your aim only seemed to improve as you continued, but soon enough someone was touching your arm and you were flinching around to fling your hands in their direction, only just managing to stop yourself from scorching them.

"Whoa," he cried out, his voice muffled by the suit. It was easy to recognise Ironman; he was on the news every other day and you'd grown pretty used to hearing about his antics. "I'm here to give you a lift," he added, holding his hands up in surrender. 

There was a moment of silence as you nodded, swallowing around the lump in your throat. "How?" 

A second later, he was scooping you up in his metal arms, and you were soaring through the sky. It only took a couple of seconds to get you to a spot on the roof, but your head was reeling the moment your feet touched solid ground again. 

"You good?" You probably looked a mess; practically green at the gills and ready to vomit at any second. But if you did, he didn't say anything as you nodded your agreement. And then he was flying off, leaving you alone on the roof to start proving your worth.

The battle was hard fought, with a few close encounters with the alien creatures along the way, but soon enough they had stopped coming. You'd allowed yourself to slump down onto the floor once you were certain that there were no enemies left to fight. God, you were exhausted. If this was the life of a superhero, you weren't sure you were cut out of it. 

You allowed your eyes to drift closed, your back leaning against one of the vents on the roof. You needed a stiff drink, something fatty to eat, and a week of sleep. 

There was a noise on the roof, and you released a small displeased sound, refusing to open your eyes. "If you're a bad guy can you just kill me and get it over with?" you uttered, your voice broken and tired. Your words were met with a chuckle, and you peeled one eye open to find Ironman standing in front of you, his mask removed.

"I wasn't intending to kill you, but you sound like you might want me to."

"I'm not used to doing so much exercise," you started, forcing a smile onto your lips. "Or any exercise for that matter."

Another chuckle. "What's your name?"

Your mouth opened as though to answer, and then you paused. "Like, my real name?"

Tony's brow furrowed as he watched you. "Yes."


"And do you fight evil aliens often Y/N?"

You shook your head slightly. "I've never even used my powers in front of another person before. Or I hadn't until today."

"That's crazy," he uttered, moving to come and sit beside you on the ground. "If I could do the stuff you do, I'd never shut up about it."

You released a snort of laughter at his comment, shaking your head. "It's not as fun as it looks. Took me years to be able to actually control it."

"Well, I'd love to see what you can actually do, sometime. We always have spaces open for people who want to save the world."

A small smile pulled at your lips. "There were people filming all of that right? In the buildings?" 

Tony paused for a moment, looking a little confused. "Yeah, I'd imagine so."

"So, I can't just go back to pretending to be normal?" There was a moment of silence as you waited for Tony to answer, but soon enough you realised that the comment wouldn't be coming. "Then I'm probably better off working with people that actually know what they're doing rather than going it alone, right?"

"Yeah," Tony murmured, reaching out to pat your shoulder lightly. "I'd say you are." He was on his feet a moment later, holding out a hand to help you up. "Everyone else is getting food. I'm sure they'd love to meet you."

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