Chapter 6.

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Ignore him...

Don't look at him, avoid contact...

Don't think about it too much...

About HIM too much...

I kept on telling myself this as I walked to class. I turned a corner and saw that our classroom door was open. As I continued to close the gap between me and class, I inhaled a deep breath, until I reached the entrance. I slowly breathed out and gasped as I felt a hand grip my shoulders. I whirled around in panic, and slowly let out a shaky breath and laughed softly, seeing that it was Max. Max was like, my second best friend, after Lohan, of course, and I hadn't seen him for weeks.

"Hey," I smiled at him as I reached for his neck and embraced him in a hug. "Hey," he breathed onto my neck. I smiled again. I had really missed him. We let go off each other and I was going to say something, when I noticed he was staring straight past me. I turned behind and I almost fainted.

He was there. Mr. Martin was standing by the door looking at Max and I.

"I didn't get the memo that class was to happen outside of class," he smirked darkly. His eyes crossed from Max and landed on mine. I felt my knees buckle, and I desperately wanted to give into their desire, but I forced them to stand firm on the ground, and put a straight look on my face. He would not make me weak.

"I'm sorry sir. We were just entering..." I said as I took Max's hand behind me and walked past him. We sat down on our chairs next to each other, and turned on my left to face Lohan, who was smiling at me. I smiled back and looked in front as the professor strode to the white board and faced us. His eyes lingered on some faces of students before they landed on mine, and stayed there two seconds too long, before clearing his throat suddenly, and tearing his gaze from me.


I watched him carefully, as he opened his laptop and started talking about instinct. I watched him closely as he rambled. How his lips parted when he talked. How he furrowed his eye brows when he seemed to be in deep thought at his own words, as if he was also teaching himself. How his hands curled into balls when he spotted some students talking. How his Adam's apple bobbled up and down when he was swallowing his saliva.

And how his jawline always seemed to harden when he spotted me staring at him.

My professor was sexy, and he knew it. The hair at the top was blonde, but that color seemed to disappear to a stunning black as it went to the bottom.

I felt eyes on me, so I turned and found Lohan, smiling at me, slightly shaking her head. I rolled my eyes and turned to face Martin.

That's MR. Martin to you, honey, I reminded myself.

Soon, the bell rang, signifying the end of the class. The professor told us goodbye with a smile, and we all stood up to leave. I passed the professor, and I could feel his eyes burn through my back. I had made it past him, and I was beginning to smile that he hadn't called me, when I heard it.

"Ms. Smith? A word please..." he called out.

I froze for like, ten seconds and slowly turned to face him, putting my straight look on my face. I raised my brow at him, and he motioned me to sit opposite him.

I hesitated for a second, and decided that he was not going to weaken me. He was not going to get away with whatever he planned to do this time. I would make sure of that.

I slowly made my way to the chair, and sat. He waited for the others to leave, then stalked to the door and closed it, causing my heart to flutter.

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