Chapter 13.

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The last bell of the day rang and I heaved a sigh of relief. It had been such a short day, but surprisingly, it was also tiring. The last class ended at three, and I couldn't be more grateful. I honestly wanted nothing more than to just hop on my bed and continue reading the book that I was obsessing over on Wattpad. I immediately went for my locker, got a few more books I would need later in the night to study, and turned around to look for Lohan.

My eyes landed on a pair of grey ones, and a smirk played at my lips. He was also looking at me, a small smile gracing his full pink lips. He made his way towards me with a playful look and stopped when he was a few feet from me. I could smell his cologne. He smelt of vanilla, but still had a hint of after-shave and another spicy, strong scent that made its way up my nostrils. He smelt wonderful.

"Done talking all of me in?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow, a grin plastered on his face. I blinked in shock.

"What?" I asked, forcing a smile to hide my embarrassment. I was such a fuck up sometimes. Sigh.

"What?" he mimicked playfully, earning a jab on his stomach from me. I tried not to freeze at the contact with his stomach. He was stone hard. Damn, and he works out too...

"So is this where you're finally gonna tell me what you want?" I asked, a smile on my face. He quirked his eyebrow again, an amused look on his face.

"Eager to please daddy, aren't we now?" he replied back, with a wink. He was going to be the death of me. I rolled my eyes to hide the fluttering feeling in my stomach and pursed my lips. He seriously thought he was sooo hot.

Okay yah, he was...

But still,

"OHMIGOD!" I exclaimed. "You're not really that much you know?" I shot at him. He stopped smirking and his brows furrowed into a thick line on his forehead. Good. Bruise his ego. At it girl!

"I think I know what I want from you now." he said seriously. I narrowed my eyes at him, waiting for his response. I swear if it was some freaky shit like giving him a blow-

"You're gonna be my girlfriend."

Uh, what?

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Was he...was he joking? Was that his romantic way of asking me out? Wow.

Sooo original. Ugh. I mentally face palmed myself.

"Excuse me?" I replied, after I recovered from the shock. "I'm actually late for my late lunch date with my best friend so when you're done playing games, you can find me tomorrow," I said as I turned to walk away.

He held my wrist and pulled me back to face him, a serious look on his face. What was his problem? He was seriously not acting so cool right now. If anything, he was acting shady.

"Relax," he sighed, then let go off my wrist after I raised my eyebrow at him. "Look not like forever, I'm not that unoriginal." he said with a small smile. "I just...could you let me take you out for coffee so that I can explain everything?" His voice had some heaviness to it and I could really tell that there was more to this than what met the eye, by the look on his face. I was curious, and...well, I decided to play nice.

"Well fine," I sighed defeatedly, and he smirked, reaching for my hand. I paused for three seconds before I decided to stretch out mine and he led me outside school. I noticed how long his strides were and how fast he was walking. We reached his car and he opened my door for me to enter. I smiled at his gesture as I entered the car. Soon, we were pulling up at Coffilicous. It took all my effort to resist from slacking my jaw. This was my favorite coffee place.

And he took me here. My heart swelled with joy.

We had barely pulled up when he jumped out of the car and rushed to my side to open my door. I climbed gracefully out of the car and we walked in. we ordered coffee and sat down on one of the tables outside. He took a sip of his coffee and hummed softly. "This is why I love this place. Their coffee is out of this world." he mumbled smiling.

I nodded furiously in agreement. "I couldn't agree more. Have you tried their croissants? They are to die for," I added happily. He chuckled softly, then said a little seriously, " I know this is your favorite coffee place."

I felt my face break into a grin. " did you know?" I asked softly, peaking at him through my lashes. His gaze on me intensified as he spoke. "I just know."

I didn't know whether to find it sweet or terrifying. I decided to ignore this. "So, what did you wanna talk about?" I asked more lightly. I watched him as his gaze faltered and he turned to stare at his coffee. Whatever it was, it was eating him. I could tell that he was very uncomfortable talking about it. I whispered his name softly and his head snapped to look at me, his stormy grey eyes piercing through mine. At least, what I assumed to be his name, because he never really told me his.

"What...what did you call me?" he asked softly. I swallowed a lump forming in my throat.

"Stormy?" I replied, instantly feeling stupid. Stormy? What the hell was I thinking? He wasn't some eleven year old puppy looking boy.

"I'm sorry it's just...well, your eyes, they...well they're grey and all and they look like the clouds and whatever so I decided to call you Stormy, I's silly," I said laughing nervously at the end.

He shook his head, joining me in laughing then cleared his throat. "I-I asked you to be my girlfriend but not forever. You see, my parents have been forcing me to get a girl so bad. They think I'm gay." he said the last bit ruffling through his hair nervously. "Like ME, gay? Me? I just don't get them sometimes," he sighed, turning to stare at his coffee again.

I nodded my head slowly urging him to go on. " I have the most controlling parents ever. They want to have a say in every bit of my life and with them thinking that I'm gay is only making things worse. So, that's where you come in." he said looking up at me.

I narrowed my eyes, understanding what he wanted me to do for him. "You want me to act like your girlfriend so that they can lay off you." I stated.

He nodded his head smirking. "They have called me for dinner this weekend, and well...I thought that would be the best opportunity for me to just fuck with them for a few hours then I can just tell them a few weeks later that we broke up. It's simple."

I smiled at him. "Well you're a cunning little shit," I joked. He laughed. "Oh you ain't seen nothing yet Smith," he smirked back.

"Well, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked a smug look on his handsome face.

"Let me think about it," I joked laughing. "Of course, I kind of owe you, so..."

He smiled broadly then said thank you. We continued talking for half an hour, till we decided to head home. We hopped into the car and he drove me home.

Soon, we were pulling up at my house, and I turned to face him. "Thanks for coffee. I had a good time," I said honestly.

He only smirked. "Well you can rest assured that we'll be having more of those very often," he chuckled. "We are dating, after all." he added smiling.

"Fake dating, remember." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Who's to say we won't be a real thing soon?" he winked. Damn. Doesn't he know how paralyzing he looks when he winks? Of course he does! That's why he's doing it! Dummy.

"Uh, you wish," I chuckled getting out of the car.

I was walking up on the steps on the compound when I heard him call my name. "Alexa?"

I turned around. "Yeah?"

"Stormy." he smiled. I was confused.

"What?" I blinked at him.

"My name is Stormy."

WEEELLLLLL, HOW ABOUT THAATT HUH?? HAHAHA, LOL! I really had fun writing this chapter, idk...I just felt nice seeing how their dynamic is slowly developing and becoming better. How do you feel about this chapter? Do you love Stormy right now? AND LET'S TALK ABOUT HOW ACCURATE ALEXA WAS GETTING HIS NAME, HUH? HA! Please lemme know what you think about that as well...

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