Chapter 19.

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"Jess, how the hell did they catch you? I thought you'd lost them" Martin started, as he let go of me and walked to Jessica. I nearly pouted at the loss of contact, but decided that it was understandable. She was his fiancée and she'd almost died. I watched as he took her in for a hug and my heart was filled with rage and jealousy. But, now more than ever, I was curious and had a million questions to ask them.

They parted from the hug, and surprisingly, Martin walked over to me and held my hand. What? They were engaged!! He should not be holding my hand right now. Not that I was complaining, but I also did not want to be a home-wrecker. Like, I don't even know how I would react if my man was holding another girl's hand instead of mine, right. In front. Of. Me. I would surely flip!

"I...also don't understand. I was sure I'd lost their tail and..."

"Why the hell was Alexa even with you?" he cut her off, as his gaze flickered towards me for a moment, then turned back to Jessica.

Jessica narrowed her eyes, but didn't say anything. For some reason, she was angry and I knew that if she opened her mouth, it would not be funny. So I answered for her.

"Well, Martin...she came to...speak to me about something and I...well, said yes." I turned to face Jessica and gave her a small smile, which she returned.

I felt Martin stiffen beside me so I turned to face him. His eyes met mine for a brief moment, then he looked at Jessica. "Oh," he said, a blank expression on his face. Something told me that there was more to all this. The way Martin was acting...the way they were's like they were communicating with their eyes. Like they knew something that I didn't.

Martin's grip on my hand hardened then started to walk away, tugging me with him. "Okay that's it. You either tell her or I will. You choose." jessica snapped from behind us.

That caught my attention. Were they talking about me? And if it was me, then...why? What was I supposed to know? This only added to the list of endless questions that were flooding my mind. Martin was a man of mystery. I just realized that. There were so many things that weren't adding up and I was just tired of the loopholes.

"Martin, what is she saying?" I asked, yanking my arm away and I stopped walking. He slowed down, but he didn't turn to face me. I watched him as he clenched and unclenched his fist, as he used his second hand to brush through his hair.

"'s okay, alright? You can tell me..." I said, as I slowly approached him from behind. I placed my arm carefully on his back, and I felt him stiffen against me.

"I'm going to leave," Jessica stated, then a few seconds later, her hand was on my back. I cocked my head sideways and I caught her smile. "Take care you...I'll see you around," she winked then without a glance at Martin, passed the both of us and strode away.

I waited until her small figure disappeared then stepped in front of Martin. His face was curled up in worry and I could tell he was in distress. Whatever it was, I was sure it was deep and I didn't wanna pressure him into telling me if he didn't feel up to it. I could wait.

"If you don't feel like you're ready to tell me anything, you don't have to say anything. I'll wait, okay?" I asked gently, cupping his cheek in my wrist.

He shook his head, then his face broke into a small smile, and I swear I've never seen anything as beautiful as him. "Lexa...could you drive with me? " he asked back, his eyes burning with so much intensity, I was sure he could see through my soul. I could only nod, as my mind couldn't form words, and my lips couldn't part to produce a sound.

He nodded once, took my wrist and led me to his car, that he'd parked across the alley. He opened the door for me and I jumped in, and seconds later, he was in his seat, turning the ignition. The car roared to life and soon, he was driving along the highway, gripping the steering so tight, I thought it would give in to the pressure and break. The silence in the car was discomforting and it just made me wonder exactly how big this piece of news was and how it related to me.

Half an hour later, we pulled up in front of a huge silver gate, that covered a huge ass house inside. I could only assume that it was his house-no, mansion-since I...well, whatever. I just thought it was his house because I was just too tired to start stressing about who owned a freaking mansion.

The gate automatically opened and the beauty and the huge size of the mansion greeted me. There was a garden outside, then followed by a huge ass porch directly outside the front door. The compound was very large, and there was a pool at the end of the house. I could also hear the faint rushing of water, so I assumed that there was a small model of a waterfall on the other side of the house. To say that this house was wonderful was an understatement.

"Done gawking?" he asked, with a smile on his face. I rolled my eyes, but was internally grateful that he still had his humor with him. He opened the door for me and I got out and he led me inside.

"Mmh, teacher's salary pays good, huh?" I joked, earning a laugh from him. But internally, I was bracing myself for the conversation of doom we were going to have.

Oh shit.

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