Chapter 18.

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"I don't understand. He's...he's rarely sick." Jessica stated as we walked along the pavement. "Oh, and I'm sorry, I parked my car a few blocks from here. Are you okay walking?" she asked.

"Yeah I'm good, thanks," I replied, taken aback by her niceness. "Have you tried calling him?" I asked her. She nodded. "Eight times. I thought he was busy, well...teaching you." she said, her worry increasing.

We continued walking along a straight path then turned left at a corner. We walked in silence, each of us worried the shit out of each other because of Martin. She suddenly turned to me and whispered, "keep walking. We're being followed. Act normal,"





My heart began racing and panic shot through me. A chill slithered its way down my spine, and I almost stopped walking in fear.

My head snapped to look at her, and had to blink in shock. She had the most stoic expression I had ever seen on her face, and she suddenly clenched her fists. "I don't understand. I thought I'd lost them," she frowned.

We kept on walking, my heart hammering against my chest violently. Beads of perspiration formed on my forehead and I was finding it hard to breath.

"Them? Who's them?" I whispered harshly.

She motioned me to turn left again, and we found ourselves in a dark lonely alley. We made the first few steps then I saw Jessica stop beside me and I saw two men stand on each side of the alley. They were wearing dark blazers with black pants, and had on black leather gloves.

My heart stopped. I turned behind and two more men blocked the way. We were trapped.

"Well, well, well...thought you could outrun us you bitch." one of them growled. He had a thick Russian accent.

"You can let her go, she has nothing to do with this," Jessica snapped, anger evident in her voice. Her stance was firm and tense and her face hardened. She looked so...dangerous.

Suddenly, I found myself feeling less scared. Not only because I could tell Jessica was ready for a fight, but also because I was ready too. I could take these twats.

"I'm afraid we can't do that. She's already seen us. She'll have to die as well," another man answered. And they came for us.

Jessica and parted from each other and attacked as well. One guy threw a punch at me, and I easily dodged it, giving me easy and full access to his side body. I punched him on the side of his ribs, causing him to stumble back. Taking that as my cue, I punched him on the face, and sent my foot to his jaw, making him fall back on the floor. I stole a glance at Jessica and damn, I was right. She was dodging and tackling and blocking and punching and whoa...

I felt hard hands grab me from behind in a lock jaw. I jabbed him with my elbows, but he didn't flinch. I swung my foot behind and hit his foot but that also didn't work. Panicking, I racked my brain, and I suddenly thought of an idea. I pushed against him and his back slammed against the brick wall, loosening his grip on me. I elbowed him in the ribs, and he let go. I whirled around quickly and sent two punches to his face and grabbed him by his shirt and swung his body on the wall. He groaned and stumbled a bit, but attacked me again with a punch. I blocked it easily and twisted his arm, squatted on my knees and slide tackled him to the ground, causing him to fall on his knees. Without aim, I rotated and swung my foot to his head, and mentally smiled when I heard a crack. He fell limp on the ground.

I heard the click of a gun and turned around to find one of the guys pointing a gun at Jessica. I felt my blood freeze in my veins.

"Looks like you die here, bitch." he hissed, a mad look on his face.

"NO!" I screamed, unable to do anything.

I shut my eyes, when I heard the gunshot. Ohmigod. She was shot. Jessica. Poor Jessica. She was too beautiful, and too nice to die. Why? Why did she-


My heart fluttered at the voice that called my name.

No way. It couldn't be. Could it?

I slowly opened my eyes and I found my answer.

Martin. He was holding a gun, and I turned to face Jessica, who was smiling at me. She was unharmed, thank God. On the floor was the guy that had wanted to shoot her. A pool of blood engulfed his body on the floor and I flinched.

My eyes landed on Martin once more and found him smiling at me. Without thinking, I cleared the space between us and in seconds, I was in his arms, my hands wrapped around his neck for support.

He stiffened a bit, then brought his own hands round my waist, and the butterflies in my stomach were having a blast. I smelt him, took in his scent...the scent that I had very much missed and craved. He smelt amazing. And his hair was just as I'd always dreamed of: soft and silky.

After a moment of silence, I mumbled against his neck, "I hate you,"

He chuckled and I almost melted. I felt the vibration in his chest as he did that, and it brought chills of pleasure down my spine.

He pulled away from me and his hands held my arms firmly. His eyes bore into mine and I almost squirmed under his intense gaze.

"Don't you have classes to be in, young lady?"

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