Chapter 10.

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Was I really jealous? Like seriously? I was jealous of Martin and some blondie? Wow, way to go Alexa! But why though? I didn't get why I felt this way. It's not like we were dating or anything. We weren't a couple, not even close. Yeah, we had some moments, but everybody else has them as well. I'm sure he was just flirting with me jokingly. Harmless, fun flirting, right? Wrong, it wasn't harmless, it was harmful. It was dangerous. He was hot and he knew it, and the fact that he literally says some things to me, only to find him later with a blondie-a pretty one if I may add-was just...I don't know, I just couldn't help but feel dumb. Dumb enough to even create a possibility in my head that he would want something with me.

I rolled my eyes and took more sips of my drink. I decided that Martin and I were never going to flirt again. In fact, I decided that I would never remain in class with him again. Petty? Maybe, but I didn't care. As long as me and him never interacted again, that was all that mattered.

I could feel Lohan and Max's eyes on me, and I knew what was going through their minds. Well, especially Max, since he didn't know anything.

"Just, ask away," I smiled at the both of them knowingly. Max didn't hesitate. "Are you and Mr. Professor guy like, a thing? Do you like him? Does he like you? Do you guys like...get it off in the janitor's closet or something? Because if you do that is very unhygienic...even for me," he rumbled.

I threw my head back in laughter. What? The JANITOR'S CLOSET? This is why I loved Max.

"Uh, first off, we do not get it off in the janitor's closet," I said, in between laughs. Lohan and Max laughed as well. "And second of all, we aren't a thing. I mean, yes...we may or may not have been close to kissing, and yeah...he may be flirty, and yes...he may have held my waist and my hands a few times now..." my voice trailed off, the impact of my words actually hitting me. Wow, me and Marty have done some pretty fishy shit.

Max smiled goofily. "I mean, he's a dick for doing that to you, doesn't he see what he's missing? Hasn't he seen that ass?" I laughed again. "Yeah, whatever. It doesn't matter anymore. He won't be getting any of this cake for sure," I smiled back, but at the back of my mind, I actually meant it.

No ass for you, Marty.

I stole a glance at Martin and immediately regretted it because I found him staring at me. With his intense green eyes. Those eyes that seemed to pierce through my eyes, and straight to the depths of my soul. I found myself staring back at him. Those eyes had me under his spell. It was like, I was hypnotized, every time our eyes met.

I will not deny; he was looking incredibly gorgeous tonight. Well DUH, he has to impress his blondie date right across from him, I thought, reminding myself of my new resolve to ignore and forget Martin.

Half an hour later, Max paid the bill-it was a fight between him and I, and he ended up winning when he pulled the 'I'm the guy' card-and started to go out. We were halfway across the hall, when a hand held my wrist and pulled me back. I whirled around ready to punch someone, and I swear my heart stopped when I saw Martin's eyes look at me with such emotion. It lasted a second, before his face turned to his infamous serious scowl as he let go of my wrist.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked in a neutral tone. Back to the stone-cold dick I see. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"No. it's ten and I have school tomorrow." I said then turned around to walk, when he strongly gripped my shoulders and made me face him.

"Sir, I'm pretty sure she said no, so if you could just, listen and let her go." I heard Max state from behind. I couldn't see him, but I knew that he was wearing his 'no bullshit' look on his face.

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