Chapter 7.

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The last bell of the day rang, and I sighed in relief. Honestly, today had been tiring. First of all, the first lecture of the day was in Martin's class, of course. No need to tell you how that went...but I will anyway, because I'm nosey like that.

Well, nothing out of the usual happened. Of course there was the usual staring on both sides. I mean, can you blame me? The guy was phenomenal. And his voice...oh my god. I literally had to chew on my own cheek, to keep myself from humming in...I don't know, pleasure? And the most annoying thing was that, he knew he was affecting me. He knew that his perfectly chiseled shaped face, his rock hard jawline, his mixed colored hair and his piercing green eyes made my panties throw a freaking pool party down there. Literally, I'm not even kidding.

And as usual, once the lesson ended, he called me to remain in class with him and we just, talked. Not as professor and student, but as...friends. Yep, he called me his friend. And as much as it sounded cheesy, that simple gesture made my heart swell in joy. I was a student, but he saw me as someone closer...someone who meant something. That was just so heart-warming. I remember the happy look in his face when he said that. He had been smiling and he also seemed to be in shock. It was like he hadn't expected himself to actually admit that. But unlike other instances, where he was scared of opening up, this time he had no shame in being vulnerable with me. It hadn't bothered him one bit. If anything, I think he was relieved that he was actually opening up and talking to me.

I shook my head in bewilderment as I reminisced on how good today was. I shut my locker, and looked around searching for my besties. My eyes darted across the hallway, when they eventually stopped to look at a pair of green eyes that were staring back at me. I sucked in a sharp breath.


His eyes never left mine. I'd assumed that he would look away retreatingly, as he always did when I spotted him looking. Instead, he held me in his intense gaze, and I couldn't look away. His eyes were compelling, and I was in a trance. I felt my breathing thickening and deepening with every second that passed with him eyeing me so intensely. The way he was looking at me, it was like I was the most...expensive thing in this planet. He made me feel

"Alex?" I had to tear my eyes away from him and turned to find Lohan giving me a questioning look. Beside her was Max, and they both had their arms crossed in front of their chests.

Oh boy.

"Hey peeps!" I greeted them, clearing my throat, trying to sound as natural as possible. "You're finally here. Let's go." I said hurriedly, as I passed them and started heading outside.

Once we reached my car, Lohan asked, "hey, what do you say for dinner, tonight?" she seemed to be happy and bubbly for some odd reason and I honestly felt so damn happy. So I was willing to make her stay that way.

"Yeah sure, babe. Where do y'all wanna go?" I asked back.

"um, we could go to Italis? I've missed me some Italian food," she said giggling. I nodded in agreement. Max seemed to like the idea too.

I pulled up out of the school compound and headed toward Max's house first. Then we headed to my house, to get ready for the dinner. We decided to pick up Max at 7:00.

We were on the road for a few minutes, and Lohan hadn't said anything. I stole a glance at her and noticed that she was fidgeting with her fingers. And she bit her lip.

Something was definitely wrong. I swear, if it was that fucker Tom-

"Alexa?" she asked carefully. I turned to face her, as I pulled up into my driveway. "yeah, what's up?"

She seemed hesitant to speak. She adjusted her sitting position like, thrice and then proceeded to scratch the back of her head. She also wasn't able to keep eye contact with me, which was odd. If I was worried three minutes ago, then I was terrified right now. What was wrong with her?

"Are you alright, Lohan?" I asked slowly. That, for some unknown reason, seemed to anger her. She turned her face to face me and her eyes were glowering with...rage?

Why? What was it-?

"I'm good, Alex. Question is, are YOU??" she snapped.

What. The. Fuck.

"Whoa relax. y...yeah I'm...good, I're worrying me, what's wrong?" I stuttered, completely taken aback.

She rolled her eyes. "OF COURSE you're good. I mean, with you constantly getting dick from your professor...I mean, why wouldn't you be?" she seethed with fury.

I blinked at her. "What?"

She rolled her eyes, and threw herself back on her seat.

"I mean, what's going on between you and Martin?"

And that's when I wished quick death upon myself.

DUN DUUUUUUNN DUUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!! LOL! AND THE DRAMA BEGINS! What do you guys think will happen in the next chapter? Will their friendship break all because of a boy? Or will they be mature and civil about it? We'll just have to wait and see, I guess... oh and plus, how are we loving the eye action between these two sex-craved youth?? Huh?? Lemme know my peeps!

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