Chapter 12.

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"He's gonna ask you out on a date. Or a kiss. Or both," Lohan said, as we munched on our sandwiches. We were at our favorite fast food joint in town, after that whole thing with Martin and then with sexy smirky pants, I needed an Outlet-Lohan, and I also needed food, hence us being here having sandwiches at Lilli's at freaking four p.m.

"I don't think so. I mean yeah, I was getting playful vibes from him and all, but I mean c'mon. He's gotta be the one hot guy that just beats all clichés. He has to be..." I replied before taking another bite from my sandwich. I normally don't take sandwiches. In fact, I hardly take any fast foods. I'm all about the healthy body and vegies and fruit juices and stuff. I actually have a strict food diet that I follow, and I work out every day. Plus, I also go for Karate lessons thrice a week. So to say that I was fit, was an understatement. Since it's been nearly three months since my last junk food, I decided that I would make today my cheat day.

And I have to say, working out and all, I'm not complaining at all. What do I have to show for it? My flat stomach with toned abs, and of course, my big round ass. I loved every bit of myself.

"Well, let's just hope he is then." Lohan said, before finishing her last piece of sandwich. "But he's hot," she added quickly. I laughed. "Of course he is! Have you seen the guy? Damn, he's like a freaking Greek statue. A hot Greek statue." I replied quickly as well.

Lohan chuckled as well. It was really good to see her like this. You know, happy? And smiling, and giggling, and talking about hot boys. This...this was the Lohan I missed.

We continued chatting for an hour, then decided to go home. I dropped Lohan at her house first, then drove to my house. I lived alone in a two-bedroom apartment. My brother actually bought the house for me and put it under my name.

Yes, I have an older brother. He's twenty-nine, and he works as a pilot. He lives with his girlfriend across the country in New York City, and it's been a long time since we saw each other. I'm sure you wanna ask if I have parents. Well of course I have parents. How do you think I'm alive? I'm not a robot or anything, of course I came from somewhere. But they don't really care about me. They've never really been there for me. I guess they were just too busy to worry about their daughter when they had successful businesses around the country to run. So yes, I don't have a good relationship with my parents. I could deal with that. I really didn't need them. They never supported me in any way, so why would I feel like I've lost them when...when I never really had them?

But what I couldn't deal with, was the fact that they thought that I needed them. They thought that I depended on them. That without them, I would be nothing. And it is with that mentality, that they asked me to be their successor in the family businesses. No, forced me, would be more precise. They literally forced me to take over the so called empire that they so called single handedly started from scratch. I said no, of course. I didn't want that. I never was interested in the company. They tried to make me get into it, but it just wasn't in me.

It wasn't in my blood.

That was when the manipulation started. The mind games. They began threatening me. They said that they would stop talking to me. They said that they would freeze all three accounts that I had. They said that they would take away and disable my platinum black card that I always used for shopping. They said that they would take away everything from me. My laptop, my computer, my novels that I loved to read. Heck, they even threatened to demolish the theatre room and my music room, just to prove a point.

And they did, because I still said no. They thought that I needed them. Their stupid money, their stupid wealth. Their luxury. They thought that I wasn't strong without them. That I was nothing without them. That I was weak.

And that's when I moved out. I moved away from them and stayed with my older brother Damon. They had also tried to make him take over the companies, but he also refused. My dad disowned him. And looking back at everything, I wonder how the hell he didn't do that to me too.

I needed them to understand that I wasn't weak. That I could live. That I could survive. That I could be thrown in an ocean full of deadly sharks but could still swim through it all and reach shore. That I didn't rely on their money, their stupid cash. I was smart, I had a brain, and I was going to use it.

I guess, you could say that I haven't seen them in five years. They haven't bothered to call, or text, not even an email just saying: 'hello kids, hope you're doing fine...'

No. Nothing.

But it was okay. I learnt to forgive them. I learnt to let them go. I learnt to accept that they, like all of us, were human, and they had their own flaws, however messy they were. But forgiveness doesn't mean that everything goes back to normal. No. it just means that you're well in tune with yourself, enough to rid yourself of all the unnecessary baggage and negative energy in your life, and that you're strong enough to see the good in people and ignore the bad.

I was strong.

I was laying on my couch in my living room, having arrived at my house twenty minutes later and gotten a shower. I spent the first few hours of the night watching Netflix shows, before slowly drifting off to sleep, with images of smirky pants and Martin filling my exhausted mind.

Yes, I know nothing really major happened in this chapter, but no. this is not a filler chapter. I really wanted you guys to see Alexa's past, to get to know her at a deeper level than I do. Sooo, how do you guys feel about her now? Still hate her? Let me know...and I really hope you felt connected with her, the way I do. She's just a girl who's had the displeasure of having such controlling parents, and sucks.

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