Im pregnant again ??

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Millie's pov

I want another kid I might have one  I'm scared but excited my kid is already walking ahh i love brook but I want a boy super bad and finn i don't know if he wants another kid

'' babe do you want another kid '' I asked him he stared at me for a minute. '' yes actually I want a boy '' '' me too''

'' i want another girl'' I heard someone say it was sadie. '' you do ??'' ''Noah says he wants a boy ''

'' I actually don't want kids so painful no way no thank you ''

'' me and finn are planning on having another kid cause why not ''

'' ok do you want me to take brook again if you guys want alone time ''

'' nope we don't want any alone time not  we have things to do today ''

'' babe let go to the mall '' I said '' shouldn't we see if your pregnant again ''

'' ok pregnancy test again''


i showed finn that I was pregnant we are having a boy I hope I want one so bad!!

'' omg you're pregnant again yay I hope we have a boy I would be mad if we have another girl that's fine but I hate being the only boy lol ''

'' brook you're having baby brother or sister mommy's having another baby ''

'' yay I'm going to be an older sissy'' she cheered

me and finn laughed I thought she would be sad but she was so happy about it.

'' for a girl Emily for a boy I don't know '' brook said

'' you're so cute why are you so cute for '' I said

Brook hugged me and finn and gave us kisses on he cheek.

'' brook you wanna go to the park''

'' yes mommy ''

we went to the park and watched brook play with some other kids we saw sadie here so brook and Monica ( Sadie's daughter ) played

We ate our sandwiches and finn helped the girls build a sand castle while me were eating out sandwiches


3 hours later I gave brook a bath and put her in her bed and read her a story.

5 minutes later.

'' mommy I can't sleep let's watch a movie ''

'' ok let's go''

We went to the screening room and watched tangled.

2 hours later

She fell asleep I carried her to her room and put her on her bed. I went to  my room and went to sleep finn wasn't in bed so I went to go look for him.

'' finn ?? ''  I shouted and I looked everywhere for him I opened the gaming room door and found finn.

'' finn??''

I took of his head phones he was playing fortnite again.

'' yes ?''

'' are you gonna be playing this all night ??''

'' um no I'll lay with you later ''

'' ok ''

I left the game room and went back to bed.


I looked to see if finn was in bed he was I got up and walked to brooks room and opened the door  she was using my phone she must've sunk into my room .

'' go sit at the table we're having breakfast soon ''

I made pancakes for finn and brook

6 minutes later

I made this one for brook and finn just got a plane pancake with no design

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I made this one for brook and finn just got a plane pancake with no design. Cause I don't have anymore fruit

Finn gasped '' why don't I have a design ''  '' cause there's no more fruit ''  I said

'' when was the last time you went grocery shopping ''

'' Wednesday but I didn't buy that much fruit ''

Sorry this chapters boring but I'm think of ideas !!

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