The fight

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Millie's pov

I have to tell finn I can't get it off of my mind I hate this.

'' finn I have to tell you something ''

'' my ex jacob he made out with me but I pushed him off he kissed me I'm sorry about this ''

'' WHAT?! oh that bastard I'll fight him ''

'' I love  you and only you '' 

he held my hands and looked at me.

'' I know that you wouldn't ever cheat would you ''

'' of course not ''

'' because I only want to to be with you no one else ''

Brook walked in our room.

'' does anyone know how to spell apple ''

'' a p p l e ''

'' thanks mum ''


Finns pov

I skated every where to find the bastard

I skated at the park not there.

I skated at the lake not there.

I skated at McDonald's not there.

I skated past the club he was right there.

I went up to him and punched him. '' what was that for ''

'' you kissed millie ''

'' no she kissed me she was drunk as hell''

'' she's pregnant''

'' ok I kissed her ''

I started punch him and we fought.

Millie's pov

Finn came home with a bruises on his fist.

'' you didn't ?''

'' I did ''

'' I punched him but no damage done to me he has a black eye ''

'' this is why I love you ''

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