The babysitter.

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Millie's pov

I need someone to take care of brook while I'm at work  .

I called everyone no one. I haven't called gaten

I called him quickly

'' hi gaten can you babysit brook ?''

'' actually my job is babysitting '' he said as I laughed

'' really ?! ''

'' yes I'm serious I can take care of her ''

'' ok meet me here at my house at 12:00 pm bye '' I said as I hung up

'' mommy's going to work but I'll see you later daddy's working also and my friend gaten is babysitting you behave ok ??''

We gave each other high fives.

2 hours later

'' hi gaten I'm only working 12:00 to 5:00 pm so it's only a few hours ''

Gatens pov

'' bye mills have a safe drive ''

'' so let's go to your room ?''

we went to brooks room and it's so beautiful I wish my room was like this except with boy stuff.

'' nice room ''

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'' nice room ''

'' I like it but mum says it's needs something ''

'' wanna make slime ''

'' sure mum never lets me make slime ''

'' that's cause you need an adult ''

'' so first add glue then add food coloring if you want color I'll add the detergent ''

'' here we have it slime get messy ''

we got messy and knead the slime

''you wanna stop and go silly string each other ''

'' you're the best babysitter ever you're my best friend '' brook said

We silly stringed each other and it was a blast .


Millie came back it was 5:00.

'' what the hell happened to this brook you're supposed to behave ''

'' no millie it was me I got the silly string ''

'' we had fun mum please don't give me a time out ''

'' ok thanks for taking care of her ''

Millie's pov

I heard the door close and saw finn come I jumped into his arms wrapped My legs around him.

'' I missed you ''

'' I missed you more ''

'' gross '' brook said

I kissed him passionately

I stopped as I saw slime on the stairs.

I left finns arms.

'' eww this is disgusting''

'' it's slime ''

'' I'll clean this up. '' I said

'' I'll help '' finn said

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