of course

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Millie's pov

we woke up smiling at it was time to go home.

'' you guys are free to go home with your child '' doctor said

we grabbed our stuff and went to the car.


20 minutes later

Me and finn set up the babies room together he got stuff for the baby

Me and finn set up the babies room together he got stuff for the baby

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I love it!! Sorry sadie but we changed your room.

we put the clothes on Elijah.

he's so cute.

'' mommy I'm home ''

I saw brook and she held Elijah.

'' why doesn't he have hair '' brook asked

'' when mommy was a baby she didn't have hair ''

'' oh ''

Sadie's pov

I saw noah sitting on my porch.

'' sadie please I just wanna talk about everything ''

'' ok about how you left me ''

'' I'm sorry I realized my life  is here  with you and Monica and parenting is enjoyable please take me back I love you break up with Caleb '' he said as he put the ring back on my finger.

'' ok but please don't leave me again ''

'' caleb and I aren't together I cried over you and he broke up with me ''

'' i love you'' he said

Millie's pov

i looked at Sadie's post and it was weird ??

Sadiesink : ❤️❤️❤️ @noahschnapp

Sadiesink : ❤️❤️❤️ @noahschnapp

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Milliebobbybrown: together??

Lilia : yass back where that ring belongs.

noahschnapp : I love you.

are they together again ?? he's just gonna leave.

I asked finn.

'' are sadie and Noah together again ''

'' yes ''

'' he said his live was here and parenting is enjoyable ''

imma unblock Noah.

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