what the hell ?!

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sexual content don't read this one if you don't like that or comment on it sorry it's mostly sexual content I ran out of ideas!!

Millie's pov

it was 9:30 pm I dropped brook off with Sadie I want alone time.

me and finn are home alone so I think he might put on a movie or do something romantic.


Turns out he didn't want alone time he's in the gaming room.

I put on something sexy.

And went up to the gaming room

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And went up to the gaming room

'' hey finn ''

'' um hello''

' I went in front of the tv I took off his headphones.

and turned off the game.

'' what the hell ?!'' he said

I held his hand and took him to the secret room .

'' that's what this is all about ''

'' but millie ''

'' you always want alone time ''

'' spend time with me '' I begged.

'' ok fine mills ''

I took off his shirt and sat on top of him I bit his lip as he let out a loud moan. I put my tougue down his throat .

I stopped as he kissed my neck.

he took my shirt off kissing my neck he stopped and kissed my cleavage trying to unclamps my bra.

he kisssed my stomach lower and lower I stopped him and he bit my lip and I moaned he put his tougue down my throat we made out a long time.


1 hour later

we stopped I kissed his stomach lower and lower and I took off his pants. and he took off mine.

he rested his hands on my hips he flipped me over so he was on top of me hovering over me.

my hands were tangled in his hair.

'' I love you so much '' I said

'' I love you a lot ''

our hands interlocked.


5 am we didn't stop we've haven't had sex this long.

I stopped just now but finn pulled me closer kissing my neck  as I pushed him away.

'' why'd you stop what did I do wrong ??''

'' nothing I'm out of breath ''

he bit my lip l I can't get enough of him I kissed his neck sucking in some spots.

I am tired but I just can't get enough of him.


5 hours later

we stopped and just made out.

we realized we forgot about brook I put on some clothes so did finn.

10 minutes later

we picked up brook and took her to her Starbucks

''sorry we forgot about you we were watching a movie''

'' it's ok ''

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