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Millie's pov

I woke up getting a text from Maddie.

Maddie : come to my party waffle street in Florida 6:00 pm.

I read the text but decided not to reply I left to Ross and left brook here with finn.

I picked out this but I promised myself  I wouldn't drink it isn't good for my baby

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I picked out this but I promised myself  I wouldn't drink it isn't good for my baby.

I went back in the car and went home

10 minutes later

I walked back in the house and finn and brook were watching peppa pig.

'' Guys Maddie's having a party today''

'' ok I'll get ready soon ''

I put my dress upstairs and vacuumed my room and every single room in this house except the bathroom cause no carpet

I went back downstairs sat on the couch finn put his arm around me and he put on the movie '' believe I love you ''

we look at each other and he kissed my lips as I smiled.

I looked at brook and gave her my phone. she went to her room.

he got up and made popcorn.

We watched the movie and ate popcorn

5 hours later.

we woke up finn used the other bathroom

I used my bathroom to shower.


I changed into this

I changed into this

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