back for good??

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Sadie's pov

We stared at noah I looked in his eyes he had pain in his eyes. Me and gaten ,Caleb ,Finn and Millie were shook. Monica was happy

'' what guys I came back for good this time and to check up on my pal millie and you guys of course ''

I don't know what to say.

'' Noah can we talk '' finn said

Finns pov

We went outside. '' dude what are you doing here '' I asked '' I realized my life is here with Sadie and Monica they need me and I missed them so much I couldn't stop crying yesterday '' he said

'' you want sadie back ??''

'' yes of course but I don't know what to do she doesn't care about me anymore I care about her a lot I wanna do Parenting it's so fun I realize that now ''

'' let's go back inside''

Sadie's pov

why is noah making everything so weird and awkward??

I sat next to caleb even though we aren't together who else should I sit next to millie is laying with finn.

I put my head down

Caleb held my hand I didn't wanna be mean so I held his hand back.

Noah's pov.

They're still a thing. Eww why him he used her.

I looked at them but just decided to look at Millie's baby.

Millie's pov

why is noah here ?? we aren't friends unless Sadie's cool with him.

I saw sadie and Caleb get up.

''so does anyone wanna get me a drink I'm thirsty ''I asked

Noah ran out of the room.

'' what the hell is his deal ?!'' Gaten asked

'' he's getting millie a drink''

'' I don't think that '' gaten said

Noah's pov

I spied on sadie and Caleb they kissed but she pulled away and looked as I ran back to the hospital room with Millie.

I can't believe she'd to this to me I started tearing so I ran to the boys bathroom.

Millie's pov

he didn't come back but sadie and Caleb did.

'' bro something weird happened we felt like someone was watching us while he kis-'' c

'' Caleb !!! ''

'' ok we kissed only cause I felt vulnerable '' Sadie said

'' noah are you ok '' gaten asked

'' I'm fine ''

'' where's my drink '' I asked

'' oh I'll get that mills you stay here ''


5 minutes later

he got me apple juice.

'' thank you babe '' I said

'' I gotta go guys '' noah said

'' bye'' finn and gaten said


16 minutes later

'' bye millie ''

everyone left except Finn.

'' finn you really don't have to stay ''

'' but I want to I don't wanna leave you alone ''

'' ok ''

i scooted as he cuddled me covering me.

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