No goodbye 😭

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Millie's pov

'' finn do you have any idea where Noah is Sadie's tried calling him ''

'' he probably wants nothing to do with her ''

'' he said he'd always love her ''

'' well I don't know where he is ok ?''

'' you do know ''

'' no I don't ''

'' JUST TELL ME '' I yelled

'' please finn she needs to talk to him '' I said as I held his hands

'' he's in Canada he moved he already planned on leaving sadie ''

'' what?! You knew ?''

'' he told me a week ago''

I ran out of the house and rushed to Sadie's house

10 minutes later

I am going to tell her

'' he's in Canada ''

'' no good bye wow he really just doesn't care about me anymore ''

'' I don't care I should move on '' 

'' yeah you should but maybe there's still a spark'''

'' nope I don't think that ''

'' yeah maybe you're right sadie ''

'' I'm sorry I haven't hung out with you  I'm so stressed and unhappy '' 

Sadiesink :  Look what you lost 🙄🖤🤷🏼‍♀️

Sadiesink :  Look what you lost 🙄🖤🤷🏼‍♀️

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Milliebobbybrown: shady sis.

Finnwolfhardofficial: the shade 😂☕️

Lilia : did you guys break up ?? 

  we laughed at Finns comment .

'' thanks for making me feel better I'm over him now ''

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