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Millie's pov

I woke up smiling and looked at finn I tapped his shoulder looking at him he woke up and kissed my lips. I bit his lip as he moaned

'' to early for this mills if that's what you woke me up for - ''

I cut him off kissing his lips he bit my lip as he added his tougue into the mix I pulled away

'' I thought you said it was to early ''

'' I know but I can't get enough of you ''

'' I'm going to leave later to go with Sadie to a party that's why I woke you and I just wanted to kiss you ''

'' I love you ''

'' I love you too ''

I got up and showered.


6:00 pm time to go.

I wore this and sadie wore this

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I wore this and sadie wore this

It's cute but I wouldn't wear it

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It's cute but I wouldn't wear it

We left and finn took care of the girls.


1 hour later

There was people here and me and sadie sat down.

'' I'll get us punch ''

I went back to the table.

I sat back down with Sadie.

'' I don't want this I need alcohol '' she got up and drank beer

'' much better ''

'' want some ''

'' nope can't drink that I'm pregnant ''

'' right ''

She started drinking a lot.

'' I need the bathroom''

I was gonna follow her but it's the bathroom.

Oh no I see my ex

'' hi millie you look good tonight ''

'' what do you want I have kids a husband and I love him very much ''

He threw a ball.

I looked as he smiled

'' go away please ''

'' fine babe ''

he sat down and put his tongue down my throat

'' get off of me ''

He gave his friend a high five.


10 minutes later.

She wasn't out of the bathroom.

I ran to the bathroom.

I opened the door she was making out with Caleb what's he doing here

Oh Sadie's post maybe he wants her back.

'' Do you mind we're making out ''

'' Yeah gurl give us privacy ''

He started taking off her shirt.

'' you're coming with me ''

'' but the hottie ''

'' I don't care we're leaving ''

'' call me red ''

'' What's your problem ?? Do you like him well he's mine ''

''No he's not you guys broke up''

'' nope''

I drove back home.


The next day

'' Sadie you're awake ''

'' yep ''

'' I'll be back '' she went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror

'' who's the hickey from ?''

'' Caleb ''

'' what else did we do ''

'' just make out ''

'' but he almost took off your shirt ''

'' a - i mean eww ''

'' yeah ''

'' I just wanted to make sure your ''

she vomited in the toilet

'' ok''

let me know if you're not ok and I can take you to the doctor.

'' I'm fine ''

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