drunk ?

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Millie's pov

i pushed finn against the bed frame he bit my lip putting his tongue down my throat he lifted he flipped me over so he was on top of me .

'' eww mom and dad are sucking faces '' we stopped

brook closed the door.

we didn't care so we kept making out .


2 hours later

I drank coke it helps so I don't get pregnant again and I'm on birth control.

'' you don't want another kid ?? ''

'' nope 3 kids maybe in 2 years but not now ''

'' yeah you're right mills ''

we took a selfie cause why not

Milliebobbybrown: hey stranger💗

Milliebobbybrown:  hey stranger💗

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Finnwolfhardofficial: ❤️

Sadiesink : y'all cute 💗

Lilia : name a better couple I'll wait.

Brookwolfhard : nooo

Haha brooks comment.

we looked at each other he had his arm rapped around me kissing my lips for a sec

'' I love you ''

'' I love you too can we go on a date ''

'' but we aren't teenagers anymore ''

'' doesn't mean anything ''

'' ok fine ''

Me : lilia can you take care of Elijah and brook ??

Lilia : of course !! ❤️❤️

Me : come at 5:00pm love ya girly also me and finn be gone all night you can bring Brianna .

Finn and I are gonna be gone all night at a hotel we need time away from the house we love the kids but we need alone time.

the future { fillie } [ COMPLETED!! ] Where stories live. Discover now