summer ??

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Millie's pov

It was summer time almost it's June 4th now me and finn are moving soon. we might not move cause brook she think

Brook I don't know she doesn't want to move she'll never see taylor again I don't know if we should move .

I opened her room door she looked sad.

'' leave me alone you and dad hate me ''

'' no we don't ''

'' if you didn't hate me why are you making me move ''

'' sweetie I don't think we should move ok we're not moving ''

she wiped her tears.

and hugged me.

'' I have to go tell Taylor '' she said as she got up

I just want her to be happy .

I heard Elijah crying.

I ran to his room.

Finn was in here

'' you poopy baby '' finn said as he changed his dipper

'' aww that stinks '' finn said

'' so mills are we moving or not ''

'' brook thinks we hate her cause we're making her move but now she's happy cause we're not moving she'll never see Taylor again ''

'' who ?''

'' her boyfriend ''

'' oh ok why do we need to move anyways ''

'' I just wanted to get out of this town ''

Sadie and Noah walked in the house.

'' are you guys moving '' sadie asked

'' no '' we said

'' oh ok but we came to watch a movie with you guys ''

'' we didn't plan on watching a movie ''

'' oh ok ''

'' well can we use your movie room and you can take care of our child ''

'' ok '' me and finn said

'' bye ''

'' they probably want alone time '' finn said

'' I want alone time but it wasn't good last time I got so drunk '' i said

'' brook ??''

'' Monica ''

'' Taylor ''

'' yay '' they all said and went upstairs to brooks

'' well let's watch a romance movie or a scary movie''

'' shakes spear ''he asked

'' I don't care '' I said


3 hours later

Sadie and Noah were out of the screening room.

'' I miss living here '' Sadie said

'' we should go on a double date ''

'' yeah we should bye guys oh Monica's in brooks room ''

'' Monica come on ''

'' I'll stay here ''

'' it's fine sadie you and Noah deserve alone time I'll take care of her ''

Brianna and Kylie and Emily( Maddie's Kid)  and Sasha ( brooks friend )

'' what are all of you doing here ??'' I asked

'' brooks having a tea party ''

'' are all of you sleeping over ''

'' yes but don't worry you won't have to take Emily home or me '' Brianna said

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