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Millie's pov

I asked sadie what she's doing today.

Me : sadie what are you doing today?

Sadie : nothing just going grocery shopping.

Me : ok.

Theres something wrong I should spy on them all day.

I walked to sadie house.

10 minutes later

I hid behind the bush Noah walked in and the window was open.

'' where have you been you haven't showed up for Millie gender party and you're distant'' she said as she cried

'' why are you crying ''

'' cause your hiding something from me I wanna be with you noah '' she sobbed

'' are you cheating on me '' she cried

'' no of course not I really love you but I don't want to be a father I don't enjoy parenting '' he cried

'' I love you but I have to break up with you '' he sobbed

'' here I guess you can have this ring back'' she cried

'' bye sadie I'm sorry '' he said as he walked out.

'' bye Monica I love you so much'' she cried

'' daddy why are you sad''

'' I fell down''

'' bye''

he walked out walking left.

I ran inside her house I heard sadie sobbing.

as I hugged her she sobbed into my shoulder.


10 minutes later

We sat on the couch.

'' I loved him a lot but he's right he's 18 and I understand how he feels. ''

'' but I'm happy we have Monica very happy for her ''

'' I feel like he never loved me not enough to leave me ''

'' I'm sure he did ''

'' I'm gonna get going ok my house is a few blocks if you need me ''

'' bye Mills ''

'' bye ''

I walked out I feel sad for sadie but it's a lot of pressure on a 18 year old.


Finns pov

'' Dude do you think it's ok that I broke up with Sadie cause I don't like parenting'' Noah asked

'' no not really she might think you never loved her not enough to leave her ''

'' I know but it's for the best ''

'' where are you staying ''

'' I'm moving to Canada ''

'' why?!''

'' I need to stop thinking about Sadie but I'll always love Monica she my princess I'll miss her but parenting isn't the best ''

'' I started parenting at your age I liked it but I understand it's a lot of pressure on you ''

'' Bye man I'll miss you a lot but we'll see each other again ''

we patted each other's backs

'' bye Noah''

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