''dont leave ?''

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Millie's pov

We've been here since 3:00 they're gonna keep me here all night. until the baby gonna come out.

I looked around and couldn't find finn '' babe ?''  he ran into the room '' im right here babe  '' he held my hand.

'' well please stay don't leave i don't wanna be alone ''

'' of course ''

I smiled and he kissed my lips.

'' can I just go out for a little while '' he asked I don't want him to be bored.

'' sure go ahead ''

well I'm staying here alone.

Finns pov

I feel bad for leaving I had to i have to go with gaten to the mall. to buy baby clothes for my boy


I arrived at the mall going to Macy's to shop with gaten. the clothes will be so cute for him .

11 minutes later

I got decorations for the baby boys room he can have Sadie's room.

I went back home.

10 minutes later

I dropped this stuff off at home. and went back to the hospital

20 minutes later.

I held her hand and looked at her beautiful brown eyes. '' I'm back ''

'' don't leave ''

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