first love ??

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Millie's pov

we got brook and i pod  for her birthday late present though.she didn't care that it was late.

I saw her smiling and giggling with her phone.

'' brook''

she put her phone down.

'' yes ??''

'' what are you so happy about''

'' nothing ''

that was weird af.

3 hours later

'' drop me off at day care don't you too want to spend time together''brook said

'' ok I guess so ''

11 minutes later

we dropped her off.

we don't wanna spend time together she's acting so weird today.

Brooks pov

so the new boy is so gorgeous oh my gosh  me and Kylie talked about how gorgeous he was.

I should tell him I love him.

Millie's pov 

we got back home and didn't wanna spend time together .

Finn went to the game room but I just wanted a quick kiss on the lips as he kissed me passionately and left.

I went on my phone.

Brooks pov 

I asked the new boys mom what's is his TikTok and Instagram and phone number I wanna be his friend.

she typed it for me and I smiled.

'' thank you ''

'' your welcome he'll follow you back ''

I texted mom to pick me up.

Millie's pov

I looked at her she was smiling and giggling.

'' brook are you ok''

'' never better ahh''

11 minutes later

we got home she was still giggling.

I saw her taking selfies

she spoke through the speaker '' I love you''

I looked and ran up to the gaming room.

'' finn finn babe '' I screamed

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