Chapter 4

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After making sure all evidence of last night's attack are covered and leaving Gran in the care of Ms Judy, the home nurse, I finally started to make my way to school. One good thing about living so close to the public school is that even when Gran has her early morning fits, I'm almost never late.

Lost in thought, I quickly reach the school parking lot. Cars are distributed randomly throughout the lot, ranging from broken down lemons to high dollar convertibles. Since I live so close to the school, driving and cars never became something I stressed over. I have much more important things to worry about.

The April weather surrounds me as I walk with my head down through the parking lot. My mind goes back to the conversation with Gran. Questions kept popping into my head needing answers.

Who was Gran talking about? Was my mom in a bad relationship? Was it with my father? Was he-

My train of thought is suddenly stopped when I slam into someone, hit liquid flying everywhere. I immediately take a few steps back, unsure of what just happened. I go to apologize when I hear, "You freakin klutz. You've completely ruined my brand new Louis Vuitton purse. This is one of only five in the world!"

I look up to see none other than Kathleen Baker and her group of pathetic puppies behind her. Kathleen is just like every other stereotypical mean girl. She's got the salon perfect blonde hair, the most expensive clothes, cars, friends. You name it. She's got the rich daddy who also just happens to be the mayor of this small town. Not to mention, she's the captain of the cheerleading squad. Cliche, right?

Rolling my eyes, I take in my newly coffee stained pullover. Thank god, I have a tank top underneath. I look up to find a fuming Kathleen glaring at me.

"So? You just expect me to let you walk off like nothing happened when you've completely ruined my bag? Oh no, I don't think so. My father will hear about this" she screeches, flinging the still halfway full cup of coffee around.

I roll my eyes. I can't believe how privileged this girl is. I few drops of coffee and she acts like the world is ending. Her dramatic antics spike my temper. An image of the cup of coffee boiling over and exploding over Kathleen pops in my mind. A smile blooms onto my face at the idea.

"Hello?" My attention is brought back to Kathleen, her hand waving closely in front of my face. "Are you stupid or something?" Her minions laugh at her comment. I look around, noticing Kathleen's tantrum had brought on the attention of most of the students in the parking lot.

My jaw clenches as my anger rises, boiling like the coffee had just moments ago in my mind. As Kathleen and her minions continue laughing, something builds inside me. That anger that had surfaced turning into something more.

Kathleen's face, once filled with hatefulness and amusement, quickly changes to one of pain. She cries out as coffee that's left in her cup spews up and over Kathleen's face and bag. Her hands fly upward, releasing the cup in her hand, and screams at the top of her lungs.

"Argh," her fingers fly through her newly wet hair as coffee drips down her face. I can't contain the laugh that spills out of my mouth. Her head jerks upward and her eyes lock onto me.

"You," she points her perfectly manicured finger at me, "You did this! What the hell did you do?"

I give no reply as her body shakes with rage and she hastily turns towards the school, her minions following close behind.

My gaze stays latched onto the group as they walk away. Did I do that? How could I? I was nowhere near her. But I was just thinking about that exact occurrence. Or was it just a coincidence?

Before I have time to reflect on anything I hear the pounding of sneakers coming towards me.

"Holy shit Chlo, you did not just do that," my best friend Alex says as he makes his way towards me. He sports his new bright pink hair with pride as he watches Kathleen storm away.

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