Chapter 17

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I don't have the faintest idea where to start searching for Rebekah, so I put my trust in Elliot and let him take the lead. We jumped on his bike and he drove in the direction of his house. The ride itself went by like a blur. When we arrived, the sight of the home surprised me. The last time I was here I wasn't in the best mindset so I didn't get to appreciate the beauty of it.

The cottage like structure is something I've only seen in movies. The dark oak timber covered the exterior of the large building. For being on a one story house, the home gave off the impression that it was quite large.

As soon as we enter his home, Elliot and I are bombarded by an older man. His shoulder-length gray and white hair is frazzled as if he'd just woken up. The man looks to be in his mid-60s by his seasoned face. He also has a gnarly scar placed on his face. The thick scar runs across the middle of his forehead, under his right eye, and ends right below his right eye. His body, on the other hand, is one of many years younger. His body is built well, muscles covering every inch of skin. His older appearance makes him appear frail, but this man could definitely beat some ass if he needed to.  Our meeting is also one that I'll never forget not because of his ability to kick my ass, but by his shocking attire. Hot pink shines back at me. Dressed in only a hot pink bathrobe, the name "Barbie" is embroidered above his left chest.

Pulling my eyes away from the colorful man, I remember back to a conversation Elliot and I had about a group of people called the "elders." When Rebekah and Elliot were sent here, an elder was sent with them for protection and guidance; aka the man standing in front of me.

The elder immediately began to question Elliot when he steps over the threshold, not even noticing that I was there. Questions like "Where have you been?" and "Where is Rebekah?" are just a few examples of the quick game 20 questions. He quickly quiets when he realizes Elliot's not alone.

Pulling the robe tighter around his body, he places his hand in front of him, "I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Charley, Elliot and Rebekah's protector."

Elliot quiet grunts in amusement next to me. I place my hand in Charley's, "Chloe."

Closing his eyes, Charley encases my hand in both of his. He bends down so that it is level with his head, and quietly mumbles to himself. I try to pull my hand away but Charley's grip is too secure. My eyes dart to Elliot only to find him rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

Finally after standing there awkwardly for a few minutes, Charley stands, releasing my hand. His eyes sparkle as he watches me. "My child, you are a strong one. Granddaughter of Zeus I see." He gently nudges me with his shoulder, "Haven't seen one of you in a very long time."

My mouth drops open at the words spilling from his mouth. Zeus? Like the Zeus? That's crazy.

"I know. It's so crazy," Charley winks at me, answering my inner thoughts.

My jaw literally hits the floor, and Elliot laughs from across the room. "Come on, Charley, Stop freaking her out. She just learned about this stuff." Elliot makes his way over to me, playfully pushing Charley out of the way.

They both laugh at the shocked expression still evident on my face. "He-He just- Woah." I watch Charley as he sits himself on the couch in the living room. He covers the couch with the length of his body, and his robe comes open just a bit.

Elliot stands as I take a seat in the chair across from Charley. The room becomes still as seriousness sets in. Elliot firmly begins to retell the details of the past few hours, and the elder nods his head, thinking.

"Do you think it's one of the Reckonings?" Elliot interrupts Charley's train of thought.

The man's eyes dart to me before speaking, "There's no way to be sure. But it's a great possibility," He shifts his weight on the couch "We've got to find her before it's too late. Rebekah is too special to lose her to them."

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