Chapter 15

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It's been three weeks since I've seen him. Seventeen days to be exact. Gran's funeral passed in the blink of an eye, and my 18th birthday passed with it. I didn't even realize the day until Chloe stopped by the house with a cake.

Money has always been tight, especially after Gran was diagnosed, but this was like nothing before. If there's one thing they don't tell you when someone dies, it's that planning a funeral is fucking hard. You have to make all these decisions while also grieving the loss of a loved one. And it's so expensive. Gran never believed in banks or investing since the depression, and all the money I had saved for college went to bills, and there were plenty. I'd been taking care of bills for years, but now it felt different. I took care of them because I knew Gran couldn't. Now, I do them because I have to, because I'm the only one left to do them.

After the funeral, I waited and waited for a bill to come from the funeral home, but it never arrived. I called to make sure everything was alright, and I was told that it was completed paid by an "anonymous donor." I know exactly who did it, and it just fueled my anger so much more. What? He thinks he can just buy my forgiveness?

Thankfully, I've had great friends by my side. Chloe was there for me with every step. Jacob came over as well. He apologized for everything that happened at work, and with everything going on, it only seemed right to forgive him. Rebekah stopped by with Alex. Seeing her brought the pain back, but I tried my best to be decent.

School, on the other hand, has not been my main priority, so when I finally make it back it's so hectic. Graduation is in less than a week, and I'm behind on so much. Thankfully, with the help of Principal Carter, I finish everything up just in time.

Elliot has been absent ever since, and I've felt it in my heart everyday. I keep waiting for the day he walks back into Mr. Anderson's class, but it never does.

I haven't been myself and everyone call see it. Most people think it's because of my gran, but it's that and so much more. Since that day, my so-called powers have been absent. I've tried to conjure them up, but nothing ever happens. I mostly try and block that entire part of my life out. Anything to do with Elliot and the Reckonings or these powers and I'm out.

With only a couple days until graduation, Chelsea and I take a much need senior skip day. Chelsea, Jacob and I spend the entire day at my house having a Harry Potter marathon. We've made it to Goblet of Fire when the doorbell rings. Jacob and Chelsea are too enraptured in the story to move, so I hall myself towards the door.

Opening the door, my heart constricts at the sight. Rebekah Hart stands before. Her dark brown curly hair is perfectly placed into a bun atop her head. Her partner-in-crime is nowhere in sight, and I sigh in relief. We stand in silence as we stand across from each other.

Rebekah gives me a shy smile, "Chloe."

I swallow my nerves, "Rebekah."

Awkwardness fills the air again. We both go to speak at the same time and then stop.

Laughing at the awkwardness, Rebekah starts, "How have you been? I've missed having you around."

"I've been better."

Nodding her head, "That understandable. After I lost my parents, I felt the same way."

I nod my head, but give her no reply. We continue to stand in the circle of tension.

"I know you don't want to hear this, but Elliot is a mess. He hasn't been the same since you left." Rebekah finally starts the conversation that I've been dreading.

Pain and anger shoots through me. "Yeah, you're right. I don't want to hear this."

"Chloe, please. you have to understand. We came here to protect you. We had no idea this would happen."

I laugh dryly, "Funny. You could see that i need protecting. Did you ever think that maybe it was protecting from you? I been here my entire life and nothing has happened, but as soon as you and your brother arrive everything goes to shit." My voice raises with every word.

Rebekah's eyes dart behind and her face drops. "Come on Chloe, you're about to miss the best part. Cedric is just about to-" The deep voice quiets when my body feels a presence behind me.

"Is everything alright out here, Chloe?" Jacob glues himself to my back, his hand wrapping around my shoulders.

I turn my head towards him, "It's fine, Jacob. I promise." Jacob's eyes are pointed to Rebekah, his body tense.

Rebekah's eyes are glued to the tall,dark man beside me, and I can see her hand visibly shaking. Why is she so scared?

Jacob's arm pulls me closer into his body, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

My eyebrows furrow at the strange tension around us. "Um, sure. Jacob this is my friend, Rebekah. We go to school together. And Rebekah, this is Jacob," I pat Jacob's arm as I say his name, "We used to work together at the bar."

Jacob places his hand forward, open for a handshake, "Nice to meet you Rebekah."

Rebekah shudders as he says her name. She timidly places her hand in his, and I watch as her entire body tenses. Moving my eyes back to Jacob, his face eyes show no emotion but his lips curves is a malicious smile.

Rebekah quickly removes her hand from Jacob's, and begins to walk backwards. "I've got to go, but um," She accidentally trips over herself as she moves away quickly, "Thank you, Chloe, for letting me talk to you. I'll see you later."

Her body turns away from us, and she quickly walks back to her car.Right before she opens the door, her head turns back to me and I can see the fear in her eyes. But why?

Jacob pulls me back inside the house, and quickly closes the door. He gives me no explanation of what just happened, but pulls me back into the living room where an enthralled Chelsea sits, munching on her popcorn.

I take a seat back on the couch as Harry and Voldemort fight on the TV screen. My eyes inadvertently dart back and forth between the screen and a motionless Jacob.

As soon as the credits roll for the movie, Jacob leaves. He doesn't really say goodbye, just stands and walks out the door. Chelsea, who is finally broken from her trance, looks at me with a confused expression.

"What's his problem?"

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