Chapter 14

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As soon as I push myself through the front door, I instantly halt in place. The still pouring rain falls from the sky. Bringing my head up, I let the water cascade over my face and down my body. I can taste the metallic iron of blood as its rolls down over my lips. The rain mixes with the falling tears coming from my eyes. It's like the clouds are crying with me.

My legs begin to move again as I push myself forward. I have to get as far away from the horror behind me as possible. As I run, I feel something heat bouncing up and down in Elliot's jacket. The hard surface hits against my stomach with every step. Frantically, shoving my hand into the pockets, I pull out my cell phone and dial 911. My finger givers over the call button at the same time as I soak into a hard wall. Two hands grip my shoulders, steadying my body before I fall.


I whip my head up to find rich, brown eyes frantically searching over me. Jacob's face blanches at the blood covering every inch of my body. "Holy shit, Chloe. Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?" His hands scour over my body checking for any wounds.

My mouth opens and closes but to no avail. I'm numb; the cold rain pelting my skin and images of Grans dead body continue to infiltrate my mind.

"Sh-sh-she's," I stutter, "She's dead. She's dead." The words hurt to speak. It's almost painful to admit that she's gone.

Disbelief riddles Jacob's voice, "What? Who?" His hands come to cup my cheeks, pulling my eyes to his.

A sob falls from my lips and I repeat those words over and over. The more I say it, the more it hurts. It becomes real as each second goes by.

Jacob's eyes dart back to my open front door behind me. He reaches down to grab my hands, but I'm still charged up from earlier. Literally. Jacob flinches and snatched his hands back as electricity courses through my body into his. I faintly hear him curse and he looks back at me, his face hardened.

Everything slows. I try to blink away my dizziness but it's no use. Jacob's body sways in my vision and I feel my body shutting down. I can hear my name being yelled and the pounding of feet heading my way.

I welcome the darkness, the silence. I welcome the nothingness.

Why? Because with leaving the light, the pain goes away with it.


I sigh against the soft, silky sheets under me. The warmth radiating around my body makes it so I never want to leave. It's like my own personal cocoon.

"Gran! Please wake up," I watch myself as I try over and over to bring her back. "Please."

My eyes snap open at the memory. I'm met with a very unfamiliar room. Black, white, and grey assault my senses. The once comfy bed now feels like it might as well be a bed a jagged rocks.

My chest concaves, the feeling of panic attack creeping on me. My head frantically searches for something to protect me when I hear footsteps.

I'm too late.

The door in the corner of the room bursts open, the force practically pushing it off its hinges. At the familiar sight of my emerald eyes savior, I let out a cry of relief.

Immediately the bed under me shifts. Elliot wraps his arms around me and I follow suit. At the feeling of his arms making contact with me, I know I'm safe. That's emotion itself makes me lose control.

My entire body shakes as I let out my pain. "Hey, shh. It's okay," Elliot's hand gently circles on my back, " I'm here. You're safe now. I've got you."

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