Chapter 6

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As soon as I arrive in the cafeteria for lunch, I take my regular seat next to Chelsea and across from Alex. Alex and Rebekah seem to still be attached at the hip as they speak quietly discussing god knows what. It's only a few minutes later when another body drops into the empty seat to my left. A light scent of cigarettes and something sweet hits my nose. I turn my head to find the one person I wanted to avoid. So much for no more Elliot Hart.

His eyes are trained on me as he wraps his lips around some sort of chocolate bar. My eyes automatically zones in on his mouth. I can't help it. He's doing this on purpose. He's trying to distract me, but damn. What I wouldn't do to have his mouth on-

"Chloe! Hello? Anyone there?"

I'm ripped from my thoughts as I hear my name being called. My eyes travel up to Elliot's face to find him still staring at me but his mouth now being used to create a smug smile as he silently laughs at me.

"Yeah? What was that?" I ask as I turn my head towards the others. My eyes roam across everyone, unsure as to who had called my name. They stop when they find a very expectant Chelsea staring back at me. You can tell she's annoyed at me by the way she has turned towards me. Her usually calm and relaxed stance has turned more rigid and tense.

"I said," Chelsea starts, the annoyance clear in her voice, "Are we still on for this weekend? You promised that we would get to have a girl's weekend."

Before I even have a chance to answer, I'm shoved forward into the table. A scalding hot, red liquid spills over my back and onto most of my right side. The liquid is hot enough that I can feel the burns starting to form on my neck and arm. I jump up as quickly as possible and try to wipe off as much of the liquid as I can. My nose is hit with the smell of tomato soup. Everyone at the table hops up as well, trying to help me. I turn around to find out what happened when I'm met with the stare of Kathleen. In her hand is a now empty bowl of tomato soup that was served in for lunch today.

"Oh no," Kathleen starts, "I'm so sorry. I can't believe I did that. I'm such a klutz. It slipped right out of my hand." She brings her hand up, covering her mouth.

I rain in my anger and say nothing as I try to walk past her to leave. When I brush past her, she steps into my path and brings her mouth to my ear.

"Paybacks a bitch."

Rage like none other pulses through my body. I can feel my teeth grinding as I hold back any type of remark. My hands warm as the same sensation from last night takes over. The lights in the cafeteria flicker, and my eyes drift to Kathleen's face to find her eyes filled with satisfaction.

Nope. I can't do it. Fuck this.

My hands ball into fists; my right arm cocking back, but before I can deliver the blow I feel a pair of strong hands pull me back. The almost electrical feeling is grounded out immediately when our skin meets. I struggle against the force but it's too strong. I'm dragged out of the cafeteria, fighting back the entire time.

My elbow springs back, catching my savior in the stomach. I hear a grunt and the next thing I know I'm being lifted and thrown over a shoulder. I finally realize that Elliot is the culprit by his hoodie and scent. He continues walking with me over his shoulder. I fall limp, tired of fighting. We walk through a door and I'm plopped onto a counter. My head spins from the sudden movement. When I'm finally able to see straight, I take in my surroundings. It seems that Elliot has brought me to the bathroom. The girls bathroom.

"You can't be here," I say, exhaustion shining through my voice.

"I don't care. I'm here because you need me," he replies gruffly.

"Whatever. I don't need you. Hell, I don't even know you," I spit back.

Without replying, Elliot strips off his green hoodie. I stay seated on the counter as I watch him walk to the sink. He rips a paper towel off and wets it. He comes back to where I'm seated and looks at my face, his eyes roaming. He slowly brings the towel up, cleaning off whatever remained from the debacle earlier. His caress was so gentle. It was very unexpected. Elliot gives off such a cocky, arrogant vibe; I didn't expect something so gentle to come from him.

We both stay silent as he slowly cleans me. He takes his time; starting with face, going down my neck and finally my arm. When he finishes, he grabs another towel and begins to dry off any excess water. My eyes drifted shut not long after he started and it isn't until I feel his bare hand caressing my neck that I slowly open them again. The sight in front of me causes me to lose my breath.

Elliot's cheeks are slightly flushed, his lips parted. The only thing I can feel is his hand on my neck, his thumb slowly moving up and down. His eyes roam over me again, and I feel a tingling in my lower body that can't be denied. He leans in closer and I follow suit. His hand still on my neck slightly tightens with anticipation.

My head jerks back a little at the sore feeling still evident in my neck. I hadn't thought back onto my accident and this was not definitely not the time to ponder about it.

I lean back into Elliot but instead of meeting his lips I'm left to nothing. I open my eyes to find Elliot eyes locked onto my neck. His eyes are wide, not with fear but with anger. I bring my hand up to my throat and wince at the slight soreness from the bruises.

"What the hell is that?" He demands his voice so low I almost couldn't hear him.

"What's what?" I play dumb. He's staring right where my bruises are but I covered them this morning. He shouldn't be able to see them.
Elliot moves in even closer than before. His eyes come in line with my neck. He brings his hand back up gently. Taking his thumb, Elliot gently wipes at my neck.

"This," he says, "These are bruises Chloe."

I stare into his eyes. My automatic response is to lie but there's something different about Elliot. I trust him. But I don't even know him. It frustrated me to no end.

I keep my eyes trained on the floor as I speak, "It was nothing. I was at work and I took a break. This guy. He, uh, kind of attacked me. But everything's fine. It's just a couple scrapes and bruises."

I keep my eyes down, not wanting to see Elliot's face. I couldn't bear to see his reaction. I try to slide off the counter to leave when Elliot wraps his arms around my waist. At first I think it's just trying to help me down, but after a second I realize he's holding me. He's hugging me.

His warmth wraps around me. His scent invades my entire body: my nose, my head, my heart, even my soul. All that surrounds me is Elliot. I wrap my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me. His arms tighten.

"This wasn't supposed to happen," he whispers, the words muffled into my skin.

"What wasn't supposed to happen?" I ask. I pull back to see his face, to try and understand his thoughts.

He stares back at me with such an intensity, his eyes never leaving mine.

"You. You weren't supposed to happen."

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