Chapter 13

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Everything was perfect. Everything is perfect. My day with Alex, Rebekah, and most importantly Elliot is something I'll never forget.

After our pizza date, the four of us split up into pairs. Alex and Rebekah left in his car to go to a movie, while Elliot and I, well, we just had fun.

We jumped on his precious motorcycle and drove around town, enjoying the view. We rode around for hours, just enjoying each other's company. We talked about any and everything, hitting important topics like my parents and his and unimportant topics like our favorite foods and movies.

I learned so much about Elliot. His favorite color is green, which is ironic since it was his green eyes that drew to him in the first place. His mother was one of the most important people in his life. Elliot told me about how beautiful she was, and how she didn't have a mean bone in her body. His father, on the other hand, was a very strict man. He gave no room for error, and that made Elliot's life a bit more hectic, always trying to live up to his father's expectations. I learned that Elliot has a deathly fear of  rabbits, specifically the "white ones with the devil red eyes." We laughed for hours. The two of us bonded over our loses, but most of all we

We talked until the sun went down, and we could have talked all night long, but dark clouds loomed over us and before we knew it water poured from the skies. Elliot handed me his leather jacket and fastened a helmet to my head and we're off.

I feel free as the wind blows through my hair and rain pounds against us. Elliot's shirt clings to him as we speed down the highway. I slid my hands under his shirt and I feel his muscles clench. His skin is freezing as the cold rain pelts us and his jacket feels heavy on my shoulders. I bring my legs up and wrap them around him, matching my arms. I give him a quick squeeze and try to pass on some of my warmth.

He lets go of the handle bars with one hand and places it on my leg. He rubs his hand back and forth, acknowledging my attempt, but quickly goes back to driving with both hands.

Thankfully we make it to my place unharmed but completely soaked from head to toe. My hair is plastered to my face and I drastically push it out of the way. Elliot climbs off his bike and pulls me off with him. He grabs my face with his hands, slamming his lips into mine. I bring my hands to his waist and moan as his tongue flicks across my bottom lip. I gladly open for him and thunder strikes behind us.

The sounds of the thunderous clap causes me to jump in Elliot's arm and a laugh falls from lips. Elliot chuckles with me and he pulls me in closer. Rising to my tiptoes, I bring my lips close to his, but instead of kissing him, I grab his face and drag my tongue across his cheek. I taste the rain on his skin while also distinctly tasting Elliot.

Pulling away from a smirking Elliot, I run towards the house. I hear him behind me as I make my way across the yard. I don't get far and I feel his strong arms come around me, but my feet slip as the wet ground gives way. We fall, tangling into each other. Mud seeps into my already soaked clothes. We roll around, fighting for dominance, but Elliot wins out. Holding himself above me, Elliot grabs a handful a mud next to my head.

"Don't you dare," I warn.

Grinning, Elliot smears the mud down my cheek much like how my tongue glided across his just moments earlier. His hands lingers on my face and slowly comes to the back of my neck, cradling it. Elliot brings his head down and our lips meet again as the rain continues to pour down around us.

"We're going to get sick," he mumbles against my lips.

"I don't care," I try to lean up for another kiss, but I'm met with a blank space.

"Come on," He stands and pulls me up, "I can't let you get sick on our first date together. Your Gran would never let me out with you again."

My cheeks hurt from the constant smiling. "Date?"

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