Chapter 11

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I'm running again. Through those same unfamiliar woods from before.  My heart pounds as my heart rate rises.

A sense of déjà vu hits me. I've been here before. I know what's about to happen.

Something flashes in front of me, causing my steps to falter, but unlike last time I don't fall. I circle around trying to find who's coming before they find me.

A twig snaps behind me Swinging towards the sound, I find him.

"H-How? You-" I stutter as he stalks toward me. I back up with his every move.

Moving faster than any normal person should, he's in my face with his hands wrapped around my throat.  My hands automatically move up to try and tear his hands away but his grip is too strong.

His eyes are lifeless as his grip tightens. He lifts me, my feet lashing out trying to connect to something. His arms raise over his head, and I look down at the person I thought I could always trust.

"You were supposed to be mine!" He screams and everything goes dark.


My eye wrench open as I take in gulps of air.  I frantically search my surroundings and sigh in relief. I'm at home in my own bed surrounded by my many pillows and the wonderful scent of oranges and cigarette smoke.

Wait, what?

I try to sit up but my arms and legs are weighed down by the body that is practically wrapped around me. The Elliot Hart lays beside me with his presence wrapped around mine. Apparently throughout the night I had decided his arm was better than any pillow I had. Elliot continues to sleep with one armed secured around my waist and the other underneath my head.  His legs were innocent during our sleep; however, mine were not.  One leg had found its way in between his, bringing us even closer, and the other sits on top of his leg.  Since our bodies are turned into each other, our faces are only inches apart, breathing in each others essence.

Trying to gently move myself out of his grasp, I slowly move backward. I untangle my legs from his and right when I think I'm out, his arms pull me back in. Both arms wrap around my shoulders and bring me into his chest. My cheek presses flat against him as he pulls me in even close. He mumbles against the top of my head and squeezes me tighter.

Whelp, that didn't go as planned.

I know exactly when Elliot wakes up because his entire body tenses. The arms that are wrapped around me go rigid and he slowly pulls away like he's afraid he'll spook me. When he's finally a safe distance away, his eyes finally come to reach mine.

Giving him a tiny wave, I mumble "Hi."

I'm left with no reply as he stands up. His hands extend above him head as he stretches out. I wince when I hear some of his bones cracking as he continues to stretch. When he finally turn back towards meet, Elliot pins me with a pointed glare.

"For someone with all these damn pillows, you would think I wouldn't wake up with a back ache," His hand splay against his lower back and he bends over. I grimace as I hear more cracking.

I giggle as I watch Elliot twirl and bend in various directions. My favorite part is when he bends straight over, touching his toes. With his back to me, I have the perfect view of his perfectly round ass. Mm, good morning to me. When the sound of my laughter reaches him, he looks back up at me and cocks his head.

"What? You think my pain is funny?" he grins back at me. Elliot straightens.

I shrug my shoulders as he makes his way toward me. Step by step, my grin slowly fades. The look in Elliot's eyes makes my heart beat rise. He leans over me, placing a hand on either side of my head.  I flatten myself against my bed as Elliot climbs above me.

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