Chapter 7

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"You weren't supposed to happen."

His words bounce through my head as I stare into his green eyes. Never did I think something like this would happen, especially so quickly. We just meet for God's sake. I cast my eyes downward, not wanting to continue this conversation.

"I need to go home," I say.

Elliot steps back far enough for me to jump down from the counter. My tank top is soaked in the soup from earlier and I needed to change immediately. I start to leave the bathroom when I feel a hand on my arm stopping me.

"Here," says Elliot. In his hand is the hoodie that he had taken off earlier. He stood there with his hand outstretched waiting for me to take it.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because you need it more than me. Your shirt is ruined and you shouldn't have to wear that all day."

"It's fine. I'm going home anyway," I answer.

After a day like this, I can't stand another minute of this place, and I know if I take his hoodie I'll never give it back. It's too enticing to give back, knowing that it's covered in his wonderful scent.

"Don't worry about it. I'm driving you home anyway. So just take the jacket," Elliot thrusts his hoodie closer to me.

"No I'm fine. I live just down the-"

"I know where you live," he cuts me off, "Put on the damn hoodie and come with me. I'm taking you home."

So many questions ran through my head. How the hell does he know where I live? Why does he even care?

I roll my eyes and snatch the clothing out of his hands. He wants to be stubborn? Well so can I.

I drop the hoodie down to my feet. My hands grab the edge of my tank top and I begin to slowly drag the shirt up my body. With my still evident bruises, I feel a slight soreness when pulling the shirt over my head, but Elliot's reaction made the pain so worth it.

I drop the soiled tank to the ground and look back up to Elliot. His mouth is slightly open as he stares at my body in front of him. Only dressed in a light gray sports bra from the waste up, I notice that his eyes are trained more on my stomach than my chest. I know he's taking in the bruises that cover my body. His face turns to stone as he takes in his fill. Anger pulses off him as he bends down to pick up the sweatshirt. He gently helps me into his clothing. As soon as my head comes through the hoodie, I take in a huge breath and his scent fills all my senses. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.

I come back down to earth when I hear Elliot clearing his throat. My eyes pop open and I find him staring at me with amusement.

"Did you just smell my shirt?" he asks incredulously.

I shrug my shoulders and can't help the smile that comes onto my face, "Maybe."

He shakes his head and starts towards the bathroom door.

"C'mon. Let's go. I'm taking you home."

I open my mouth to argue but stop myself. I shrug my shoulders again and walk past him. As we both head into the hallway, Elliot falls into step next to me. The halls are empty. During our alone time in the bathroom, the bell for the next class had gone off.

The two of us head out the main doors, no one paying us any attention. I slow down my steps, unsure of where I was going. I follow behind Elliot and find myself in front of a good but scary looking motorcycle.

"You've got to be kidding me?"

"You like it? This is my baby right here."

"Your baby?"

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