Book Thirty-One: Breaking Her Walls

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Book Thirty-One

Title: Breaking Her Walls

Username: CollarXBones


"Life is darling with the cigarette in her hand and eyes that rattle the senses- she stares at me and I stare back and the only thing between us that is understood is sadness."

-Christopher Poindexter


Ava Chrysler used to be happy: used to be full of joy and laughter, used to smile, used to be the person you could depend on.

Key word: used.

But after the incident something in her breaks. She's now the polar opposite of who she was. She learned that she has to grow up even though she's not ready to. Her life seems to take a turn for the worst.

Enter Webster Harris, the new kid with a devil-may-care attitude, grey, stormy eyes, and a smile that makes the knees go weak. Intrigued by the school's fear of Ava, he takes interest in her

He soon makes it his mission to find out what really happened that unfaithful night. He's ready to bring back the old Ava. But the new Ava is determined on keeping up her walls, that took so many years to build. After all who would wants a cold, ugly bitch? Webster thinks it's an easy job, after all, he's just breaking her walls.

Copyright 2014 © collarxbones



3 years ago


I took a deep breath and looked at the red bricked school. The litter was scattered over the freshly cut grass. There was still the old welcome sign they had from previous years. It read: Welcome to Hillcrest! An engaging and educational community!

But now, the letters are torn, missing, or faded. The school was bad enough, the students were no better. Some freshman stood by the gates chatting with their friends. Jocks ran around and threw footballs; while the cheerleaders ogled at them. I know what you're thinking: everything seems fine; I don't know what's so bad. Everything seemed perfect, except for the fact that my life is falling apart. It happened weeks ago, people forget, I reminded myself.

I waited a while, contemplating whether I should go in or run. The latter seemed the better option but, sadly, the bell jerked through my thoughts. Making up my mind, I placed my hand on the handles. I walked through the double doors making sure that my mahogany hair created a curtain around my face. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see him. All the memories came flooding in. I promised myself that I would forget, but no matter what, I couldn't help but remember.

It can't be him. They took him away. Weeks of not seeing him made his blonde hair and blue eyes foreign to me. I reached out my hand to touch his face. But I stopped midway as the persons real features showed. A boy around my age stood with large framed and neatly combed ginger hair. His face was scattered with pimples. His buttoned up shirt tucked neatly into his tan khaki pants.

He cleared his throat, "is it true?" His voice was shaky, filled with fear. My heart beat sped up erratically. My breathing became shallow and quick. Students stood by their locker, transfixed on what I would do next. I looked back to the boy waiting patiently.

"N-no... um... h-he," I stuttered. Use your words Ava. It's not true. They're lies; he would never do something like that.

I saw a figure before me. I could make out long blonde hair. There, clad in a cheerleading uniform and white sneakers, stood Valerie Rogers (Also known as: "Queen B" or "Queen B**ch" in my opinion). Her dad is also the principal and the founder of the school.

"Aww, what happened to poor little Ava?" I wiped my eyes with my sleeve, surely leaving a streak of red on my face. "Where's your brother, huh? Locked up in prison?" she asked with a sickly tone. I stayed quiet. She started to circle around me, not seeming to be afraid like the rest of the school. Her pink gum popped, "I always knew he'd end up in there." I gulped and put a piece of hair behind my ear.

"You're wrong, you don't know anything, he's going to get out of jail," I replied. My voice did not come out confident as I wanted it to. I closed my eyes, wishing that I could go back to when it started. If only I been there earlier. If only I didn't get them angry. If only I saw the signs. All the "if only's" and "what if's" replayed through my mind these past weeks. She let out a sinister laugh. Her white sneakers turn on their heels and walked away from me.

"He's not going to jail, honey. He's in prison; for the insane." He's not insane, he's not. He might be going to jail, but not prison. That's were rapists, burglars and... murderers go. That place was for the ruthless, heartless but not for Flynn. I bit down on my lip. "Not even a d**m good lawyer can get him out. He's crazy, insane and a killer."

Killer. That word rattled my brain. That word was used to describe the people you see on Criminal Minds or NCIS. Not a word used to describe my brother. He's was always the outgoing, carefree guy. He was the golden boy and the perfect son. He would always be there for you. I could go to him, he could go to me.

"He's going down for murder. Do I have to spell it out? M-U-R-D-E-R. He's going to rot in hell... just like your parents."

Something inside of me snapped. That one sentence went off like a bullet. I trying to tell him that is a different story. "So he didn't kill your parents?" he asked. I now felt beads of sweat rolling down my forehead. The boy walked forward to me. Instinct kicked in and I punched him in the nose. Ever since that night, I've always been on edge. The boy toppled into the row of lockers. Students nearby rushed towards him. A roll of curse words escaped my lips. I walked to him and reached out my arm, "I am so sorry, I-" he looked up at me and his grey eyes pierced into me. They were filled with horror and fear.

"N-no, you're a m-murderer. J-just like him!" he screamed. I backed away. I looked around at the other students. They were cowering by their lockers. "He's not a murderer; you guys just don't understand! He's innocent!" I shouted. My voice resonated through the halls. Time seemed to be paused. Teachers and students populated the halls, not bothering to leave or teach. "They're going to let him out in no time, you'll see. You'll all see!" I walked to my locker and shakily opened it. Suddenly, red, sticky, liquid gushed onto my sweater. Everybody burst out laughing. My whole body was covered by this fluid.

Blood. It brought back so many memories form that unfaithful night: my parents on the floo, pools of blood expanding beside them, red splatters on the walls, and the cries of my siblings, begging for their parents to wake up; and seeing him stand there with wide eyes and the knife in his hand. It was and is all too much to deal with for someone my age.

The laughing got louder and louder and louder. I covered my ears and fell onto my knees. "Stop, stop, stop!" I screamed loudly, I even surprised myself. I looked around and spotted a familiar face. Maisy Montgomery, stood there looking at the scene unfold. She looked down at me with a blank expression. My eyes pleaded for her to help, but my heart broke as she turned away with another girl. So much for 9 years of friendship. Tears now rolled down my face. My vision was still blurry.....

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