Book Thirteen: Deerborn

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Book Thirteen

Title: Deerborn

Username: smurfrielle


When events start to take place in the sleepy town of Bon Resi, Sybil Deerborn is drawn to finding answers of her own. Suddenly, everything she once found comfortable and safe becomes her worst nightmare. An old acquaintance strolls into town, causing a huge uproar, and making Sybil believe her family has a deeper secret than she had ever realized. Nothing seems normal anymore, and everyone in Bon Resi seems to have turned into paranoid maniacs. Sybil Deerborn is determined that she will get to the very bottom of it, but will she get too deep in her own investigation? Will she learn secrets about not only her family, but the people she sees on a daily basis?


In the blink of an eye, Leander's vehicle spun it's wheels as it tore back onto the highway, the fog encapsulating it as it disappeared with nothing but the tail lights illuminating through the thick mist.

Aaron seemed uneasy as he watched the rather unusual display, his eyes focusing onto me once more. "What a baby, hey?" He joked, that unusual smirk sliding over his pink lips.

I barely returned a smile, if you could even consider it that. I didn't want to upset Leander, yet at the same time he had not met my needs. My friends and family come first, not some blood obligation that I have only been aware of for the past hour. "Don't worry, he'll pout for awhile but he'll be alright." Aaron tried to console, though my emotions had no place in this conversation, or any conversation with Aaron for that matter. "I'm not worried." I snapped. Aaron tried to suppress a smile that spoke he was satisfied with my response.

"Of course not." He mumbled, turning the key in the ignition. The car rumbled to a start, Aaron sliding the car into first gear.

Leander was a nice guy by all means, but everything I had discovered in this short time frame meant that I didn't have time for anything romantic, especially with someone who was only showing me that he was unstable in his goals. I didn't care what his procreation business meant, my focus was elsewhere. Val; my mom and sister; Uncle Jess; Michaela and Capri; Ashley; and even Aaron to some unusual extent; were my top priorities. Everything else would have to take a back seat, no matter how urgent Leander tried to make it seem. So long as my loved ones were safe and unharmed, who was I to care what business took place in the world of shape-shifters? I shivered as the cold rain that had soaked my clothes sunk into the layers of my skin, Aaron becoming aware. He flicked a few switches and knobs on the dashboard, aiming the vents my way as the hot air pooled through.

"Better?" He said as he adjusted the last fan in my direction.

I nodded, though my teeth lightly chattered as my head bobbed up and down.

Aaron heard the sound, at once reaching behind my seat to pull out a grey sweater of his.

"Sorry if it smells like me." He mumbled, seemingly embarrassed at the idea.

Yet again, I faked a smile. But I was grateful for the sweater as I pulled it over my head, sliding either arm into the designated holes. The cotton clung desperately to my skin as I shimmied myself around in it. Knowing that it smelt of Aaron, I unintentionally found myself sniffing it, though I had done it discreetly so as to not alarm him, yet I found myself surprised by the swirl of scents that ventured through my nostrils. It smelt like the first day of Spring, as the dew perfumed the brisk morning air, each whiff smelling better than the last. It reminded me of a better time, even a better place. Somewhere I longed to be. It was a subtle reminder that somehow Aaron had become comfortable, in a very odd and unsuspecting way. Even though I still very much disliked the person he chose to be, I found myself coming to terms with that man. This was who Aaron was, there truly was no mystery behind him. The trip I had taken to Portland was to discover the secrets that he held, yet I came back with only the knowledge that this was who he was. He was strange, in and out. As much as I wanted to curse myself for being so accepting, I was partially okay with who that person was. Because deep down, behind all of the charades, Aaron was consistent. And maybe, just maybe, that's the type of person I needed in my life. Even if he was a total jack**s.

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