Soft Laughter on Cloudy Dreams

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There are no rules for architecture for the castle in the clouds.

~Gilbert K. Chesterton


My first day at the Academy wasn't what other pups would call normal. We had everything ready; breakfast, snacks, lunch, my favorite scarf, nap-time blanket, and Itai-san, my only wakizashi sword. Otou-san had already taken me to the Academy last week to leave scent-markers so I wouldn't get lost.

Nothing should have gone wrong.

Jiraiya-jiji and Maru-jiji had already volunteered to go ahead to make sure it was safe, because Tsunade-oba-san made them. Tsunade-oba-san is mean, but don't tell Tou-san. He says it's just what happens when the only person with a braincell has to make sure those two idiots stay alive.

I don't get it.

Tou-san's hand tightened around mine pulling me out of my thoughts. Looking up I stared at Tou-san. It was weird to see but also not see what Tou-san was. Human features overlapped with yokai ones, creating a weird distortion that made me dizzy the longer I stared.

An ear twitched and Tou-san looked down, amusement evident in the way his tail swished back and forth.

"Kashi-chan. Are you going to be okay? Did we forget anything?"

Worried grey eyes stared at me but I waved them away. Perking up, I stood on my toes as I pointed to where silhouettes of buildings were visible. Huffily I replied, "I'm going to be okay Tou-san. Now come on. We're going to be late."

Then as if Tou-san didn't just drag me out of our den for this, he laughed. "We're not going to be late."

Glaring at him, I couldn't understand this sudden change of mood. Why are parents so weird? A small growl slipped into my voice as I snapped at him.

"Yes we are!"

He smiled with gentle patience as he started to visibly relax. Stretching upwards before slumping downwards. No longer bothering with using a straight posture like what humans seem to prefer. Yawning, Tou-san glanced upwards to the sky.

"No we're not. Now come on, look around, enjoy the scenery."

I couldn't help whining.


That seemed to do it, because he opened his eyes. Looking back upwards he seemed almost taken aback at how high the sun was. "I could've sworn—" Before switching his tone. "Oh. We're going to be late at this pace."

Folding my arms I huffed. "I told you."

He nodded agreeingly, white ears perking back up as his eyes glinted with something. "Yes you did, now how about a game?"

Incredulous I yelped, "Now!?"

Chuffing softly, he continued."A quick little game. First one to reach Jiraiya wins!"

Looking away from this excuse of an adult I wondered how long it'll take to get to the Academy. But thinking about it a bit longer I agreed vehemently, "Fine."

Tou-san smiled again as he patted me on the head. Huffing I turned away. Still he continued talking comfortingly. "That's the spirit. Now THE FIRST ONE THERE WINS!!!" Sprinting away he left me sputtering in surprise. Indignantly I yelped, "Tou-san!" Before darting forward to try and catch up, determined to not let him beat me.

Faster and faster I ran after that laughing figure, somehow never catching up with him no matter how much I tried. Eventually I found myself smiling as my nose picked up a trail. Unlike Tou-san who went right instead of left, I followed the scent trail knowing it'll lead me straight to Jiraiya-jiji. Soon I spotted that familiar spiky white mane of hair hair and practically leaped on top of that mountain of a man.

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