Flowing River of Time

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"Lifetimes come and go in turn."
~Excerpt from "Child's Song" (わらべ唄)


Silently, I stared up at the night sky and watched as clouds passed, and blocked the pale moons' light. As the beams of pale moonlight disappeared behind a black haze.

Distantly, I could feel the rumble of thunder as lightning danced across the sky. Rain fell but still, I was dry. Because I wished it so. I wanted to be dry, and look the rain does not fall on me. Yet, it felt so odd to stand under a storm and not become soaked. To not embrace the rain and listen to the thunder roar.

Why am I different?

Watching, I saw how the villagers fled away from the hail of rain, as though it were something unwanted. Hiding in their homes, in buildings, waiting for the dark clouds to pass by. Above, lightning flashed and inside they cowered. The smell of fear was distinct as mothers hushed their wailing children, and it angered me.

A hot ball of anger grew as I watched them hide away in fear.

How dare they?

How dare they hide?

My hands clenched as rain came pouring down. Glaring, I stared down at the stone that stood before me. It was covered in a wet sheen of rainwater, glinting mockingly in the light.

Pulling my fist back, and a hand stopped me from hitting the stone that seemed to mock. Suddenly a white yukata blocked my line of sight, looking up, I was staring into honey-colored eyes.

Instantly recognizing him, I tensed and relaxed as he started speaking. Voice flat, but somehow gently melodious, he spoke,

"Come inside."

His flat, expressionless face grounded me, and suddenly I couldn't hide the tears. The pain.

Distantly, I understood I was shaking, shivering from the cold. I was soaked and freezing, but I couldn't feel it. All I could feel was hurt, and I was drowning. Drowning in this sadness, in loneliness.

Staring into those golden eyes, I choked out his name. Grounding myself back into this reality, this reality where everything hurts.


Suddenly me legs felt wobbly. Leaning forward, I collapsed unto his cold embrace. Tiredly, I lifted my head off his chest, and asked,


A hand stroked my hair and fondled with my ears. His eyes seemed amused, but his voice was tired.

"Why what?"

Looking up, my mouth felt dry as tears blinded me. My chest shook as I sobbed. Burying my face into his chest, as I continued to wail,


Staring into those golden eyes, I could see my own thoughts reflecting back. The pain, and questioning pleas as they asked why?


Why are we different?

Why are we alone?

What did we do?


Long arms lifted me up, and started carrying me back to that cold, empty house. Lifting my head of his shoulder, I stared back one more time, at that cold cold gravestone. Lightning flashed, lighting up the name engraved.

Hatake Sakumo


Huddling in the warm blankets, I poked my head out to listen to the clatter of kitchenware, the mild fragrance of tea and the thud of knives. Sniffing deeply, I realized he was putting together a dish of chawanmushi. Recognizing its heady scent, and the fresh shiitake mushrooms that I had recently harvested.

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