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This one's not half-bad. Still wouldn't recommend it. I think this was when I was getting traumatized by my mother's stories of traveling the world. Nothing wrong with the people just that visiting countries devastated by poverty (often shown through rose-tinted glasses) make really good stories.

Probably post-apocalyptic setting here and stuff.


"If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you"

~Friedrich Nietzsche


The Kyuubi attack had caused mass devastation in Konoha, death was present everywhere. The sound of mourning and the stench of corpses became commonplace. I could feel the overwhelming presence of Shinigami, their presence chilling but so very familiar.

They were so much easier to sense, but they were in another reality. One where reaping souls was a type of job, harvesting things instead of people.

Shaking my head, I disposed of those thoughts, focusing on my current job.

Searching for survivors.

We were still finding corpses, they were everywhere. On the mountain, in the forest, under buildings, some smashed into pulp, others torn apart, most of them we had to assign Chunin to piece them back together so that they could have proper burials.

For the first time, civilians and nin were equal. There was no aloof shinobi nor sneering civilian. Both had lost their Yondaime Hokage and Village. They had both lost their precious people and were mourning equally. They were equal.



Minato-sensei had a child. Didn't he.

His name is Naruto.


Like the ramen topping.

For some odd reason the Sandaime is keeping the news of the successful birth of the Yondaime's and Red Hot Habenero's child from the populace despite the benefits of raising morale. Somethings off here, protective instinct and killing intent swelled up but I quickly smothered it.

I will be caring for the cub, the kit. No need to worry.

Besides I should be more worried about my chakra coils. The chakra from the Kyuubi seems to have damaged them somehow, I think it might not be just me, some of the bodies I find seem to have died from internal causes that usually stem from lack of chakra. I don't think I'll be able to access my chakra as easily, and I might not be the only one.

Some of them died from seizures, others have this burnt flesh smell, some have spontaneously combusted when exposed to too much chakra, but they all have a lingering amount of Kyuubi chakra in them. Not much, just enough to notice.

After clearing some buildings and uprooting several dozen more corpses, I was reporting my finds to the medic-nin, they were gossiping about people dropping dead and finding a foreign chakra present, probably the aftereffect of the Kyuubi I mused. Then after changing I started on my long-awaited break, hoping to check up on Naru-chan.

Of course I won't be able to take care of him all the time. I was an ANBU commander now, and recently enlisted into ROOT. I'll have to start going overtime on missions to even keep an apartment.

There's also the fact that the occasional yokai are not to be found.

I've looked in the hospital, graves, empty houses, and even the rubble. The few yokai in ANBU are gone as well, it seems they just disappeared, where are you Cat-senpai?

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