Fight for Love: Chapter 36

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I whirl around so fast I was sure I heard something crack in my neck, subconsciously I move to stand in front of Ryan; almost like I'm protecting him. Trent stood in the partly open doorway, anger seething off of the male who glared at me, his lip was curled upward in mild disgust and strapped to his back was a rifle. My heart thundered loudly in my chest as I met his angry gaze head on,"Ryan."I muttered low enough for only him to hear. He grunted in acknowledgement and slid the small backpack onto his shoulders,"Get Riley and leave. Go through Trent's room, get to Aiden."

"What about you?" He asked, subtly stepping toward Riley who was frozen in the bedroom doorway.

"I'll meet you," I whispered,"So don't leave just yet."

He nodded, and with a set jaw he sprang toward Riley, wrapping his hand around her elbow the two disappear within the shadows of Trent's room. Seconds later I could hear the other door slam shut and hurried footsteps in the hallway. Trent never removed his eyes from mine but I could feel his aggravation through his intense gaze,"You're a thief."He growled, his hands twitching toward his rifle.

I felt a surge of panic, would he shoot me? He wouldn't dare, but then again this story can be completely twisted against me so he would have the right to shoot me. I grind my teeth together and tense up, ready to run,"All I'm doing is taking back what's rightfully mine."

His eyes harden with hatred and he steps into the room, fully intending to scare the crap out of me, but that's not my plan at all,"You always have to be in the way, don't you?" He growls, venom dripping from his words.

I start inching my way toward the door, watching as he stalks toward me,"Well, when it includes breaking the law,"I pretend to ponder my next statement. Lips pursed and eyes upturned to the ceiling I feel amusement start to dance through my veins,"Yes I kinda do."

He bared his teeth at me and lunged, a rippling snarl escaping his chest, my body ran on pure instinct and adrenaline as I sprang away from his outstretched hands and sprinted for the slightly ajar door,"Get back here!" He yelled and followed me out of his destroyed office. I leaped around unsuspecting soldiers, spinning, whirling and dodging their limbs by mere centimeters; Trent followed right behind me, his angered breath causing the hair on the back of my neck to rise in fear.

"Treason!" He shouted when I broke through the double doors and sprinted into the bright sunlight, sitting not far from the base of the steps was my squad. Their eyes widened when they saw how close I was to getting caught, but when I glanced over my shoulder and saw Trent struggling to remove the rifle from his back I knew they were shocked for a different reason. Panic and fear clogged my brain and my heart was pounding to the word flight; I swung up on Kurodayu's back and wasted no time digging my heels into his sides,"Oh god." Aiden whimpered next to me, sweat dotting his pale face,"This is bad, this is very bad."

"Keep moving!" Ryan bellowed, panic lacing his own words,"He'll shoot us we can't slow down." I risked a glance over my shoulder and immediately wished I didn't, Trent had the gun pressed against his shoulder and was aiming directly at our backs. He would murder somebody if it meant that his place in the Military Police was safe; grounding my teeth together I motioned for my squad to jerk their horses to the left just as the rifle barked in Trent's hands.

A window exploded right above our heads, sharp shards of glass rained down on us, the glass cutting our hands and faces; I felt the warm sticky blood begin to trickle down my face, but the adrenaline dulled the pain,"Keep going!" I shouted over the ringing in my ears,"We're almost there!" Despite the panic and fear that enveloped the four of us, we still kept our heads and aimed to get out of the rifle's range. The gun barked twice more, both shoots were either in front of us or behind us, but now the street we were galloping down was filled with screaming civilians. Cursing underneath my breath I barked out,"Get out of the way!" And the civilians moved away, sticking to the alleyways or the shops that lined the street.

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