Fight for Love: Chapter 9

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I lunge forward instantly switching into my favorite fighting technique. My body moves quickly getting as many hits in as I can at the same time I'm watching Erwin's posture, waiting for him to switch to the offense. Erwin easily blocks each of my hits a smirk plastered on his face and confidence rolling off of him in waves. I grit my teeth in frustration as he blocks a kick that would have nailed him in the jaw, I step back switching to defense, he cocks his head.
"You done?"
I growl out venom dripping from my words he raises an eyebrow his smirk deepening. He slides his foot forward and swings his first hit at me, I duck underneath it and weave around the next one. 'Keep moving.' I spin around a kick and catch another punch my eyes locked on his ever moving frame. He jumps backwards and whirls around bringing up his foot. I set my jaw in determination, raising my forearm to block his kick, I leap forward and smack the flat of my palm against his jaw.
His eyes widen in mute surprise the smirk disappears from his face as well as his confident attitude. Using his surprise to my advantage I switch to offense and leap forward. My fist connects with his ribs before he even begins to fathom what just happened.
He catches my next punch his eyes narrowed in concentration and jaw set as I push him back with just as much strength as he was using on me. I lean forward my fist drawn back and prepared for a well aimed throw just as he slips under my guard; his fist connects with the center of my rib cage causing all of the air to exhale sharply from my lungs. I stagger back my eyes wide from panic and my chest roaring with an undeniable pain, he advances his fists raised.
I try to stay out of his reach long enough to catch my breath but, I couldn't acquire my breath quick enough. He rears back his foot which connects with my side sending me spiraling to the ground. A cry of pain escapes my lips as my body lands on the hard packed ground, I raise myself up on shaking hands my breath coming out in uncontrollable gasps. Out of the corner of my eye I see the advancement of Erwin Smith, his body is lax and a triumphant smirk is plastered across his face.
I narrow my eyes 'Oh? He thinks he has won?' Staggering to my feet I raise my fists and tense my body for what is to come. He raises an eyebrow noting my shaking shoulders and quivering frame.
"Go ahead admit it."
"Admit, what?" I snap.
"That I won and you lost the bet."
"Never." I growl.
"What are you hiding, Sakura?" He cocks his head true bewilderment shining in his eyes.
"None of your business!"
"It will be my business when I win."
"Exactly,"he steps toward me,"WHEN you win."
His fist comes flying at me again although this time his body is relaxed and he knows, he KNOWS, I can't last much longer. I summon up a final burst of strength and lunge underneath his guard. My arms wrap tightly around his midsection and my shoulder knocks him in the stomach sending him backward with me on top. Breathing heavily I look down at him, his eyes are wide with shock his smirk is gone along with most of the air in his lungs. I slide off his chest and lay next of him both of us gasping for breath.
"Draw?" Erwin rasps at my side.
I turn my head toward him and slowly nod my head in agreement,"Please.." My voice is just as breathless as his.
He grins at me,"You've gotten better."
I fight the urge to roll my eyes,"That tends to happen when you train for two and a half years."
He chuckles and pokes me in the side,"Don't get snippy with me."
I laugh and push myself shakily to my feet,"Water?" I ask while looking down at a still struggling Erwin.
I nod my head in understanding, just as I'm about to go fetch my water bottle Alex jogs up to us my water bottle in his fist.
"Here." He says with a grin handing it off to me.
"Thanks." I squirt a stream of cool refreshing water into my mouth. Then I kneel down next to Erwin and hand the water bottle to him.
He nods his head gratefully and squirts several streams of water into his mouth,"Thanks." He mumbles around a mouth full of water I roll my eyes and retrieve my water bottle from him.
"No problem." I turn toward Alex who has a giant grin on his face,"What is it Alex?"
"I have never seen fighting like that!" Alex exclaims happily.
"No! For real! The fact that you were able to take down THE Corporal Levi AND Commander Erwin!" He throws his hands in the air,"You're amazing!"
I blush profoundly and look up at Erwin who is now standing over my shoulder.
Erwin grins down at me,"He's not lying." He whispers only loud enough for me to hear.
I look down at the ground trying to hide my blush,"Guys it wasn't that cool..."
"What are you saying?!" Alex grips my shoulders tightly,"It was amazing!"
I shake his hands off my shoulders and glare at him,"Alex, stop." My voice comes out, surprisingly, stern.
Alex huffs,"Fine." He grins and throws me a wink,"For real, teach ME how to fight like that."
I blush again and look away,"Whatever.." I mutter under my breath.
He chuckles before turning around and walking back to his small group of friends.
"Your fighting technique, did you get it from your father?"
My back tenses at the mention of my father,"Yes." I raise my water bottle to my lips and squirt another strand down my throat. I glance up at Erwin who is watching me carefully, his eyes are bright and cheerful yet his face is guarded.
"I figured."
We stand in a comfortable silence for a couple minutes watching the soldiers leave the training grounds.
I sigh,"Well, I guess I will see you tomorrow morning for training, Commander."
"Please call me Erwin like you used to."
"Is that an order, Commander?"
I see his eyebrow twitch,"Yes, yes it is."
"Okay then, Erwin. I look forward to training with you tomorrow." I move to walk away but, Erwin catches my elbow and spins me around.
His eyes bore into mine,"Will you meet me in my office tomorrow morning?"
I raise an eyebrow,"Um.."
His eyes widen,"N-no! Not like that I mean instead of coming straight to the training grounds for, well, training come to my office and make sure you bring your maneuver gear."
I sigh,"Yeah I will be there.."
He grins," look forward to training with you."
A small smile creeps onto my face,"Yes," I whisper while stepping away from him,"I'm sure you do."

This was meant to be a little, tiny bit, longer but, I decided to cut it short to add the 3DMG training onto the next update. FOUR UPDATES UNTIL THE EXPEDITION AHHHHHHHH! *clears throat* now that that is out of my system. I would like to ask did you like this update?
This update is on of my favorites mostly because it's building Erwin and Sakura's relationship. That's not all, of course. But, I'm going to keep my blabbering mouth SHUT! (For once.)
Please! Please! Please! Vote and comment and fan! I want to know what you guys think of this story! Please review! *pulls out cookies* if you vote or comment you get a cookie!!

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