Chapter 2: Toronto

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I look at the landscapes outside the window, sitting in the taxi that's taking me to my appartment. I admire the buildings, the houses, the gardens... Toronto seems to be a city full of life ! There are lots of colorful posters on the walls, stores and tourists ! How I long to get out of the car and stroll down the streets! My heart beats so fast, I am stuck to the window. I am so excited and happy to be here, but also nevous to meet my future flatmates. (I have sent them e-mails but I can't consider this as a first approach) and all these emotions make a strange feeling in my stomach, but I kinda like it !

As we zigzag through the streets, the crowd becomes less dense, I can guess we are going away from the city center. There are more and more trees and some houses appear, stuck in between to buildings. The driver makes a last turn before parking the car.

« Here we are ! He says. I'll help you carry your luggage. »

I get out of the car and look around me to see the neighborhood. The streets are calm and clean, big trees are planted along the road... I think I'm going to like it here !

I open the building's door and get into the hall, followed by the taxi driver. I'm glad he helps me carry my luggage! With Archibald in one hand, my guitar in the other and my backpack, it wouldn't have been easy to carry my two suitcases! (yes I have two of them, don't forget I am a girl ! ^^) When I arrive in front of the door, I ring the bell and suddenly I feel so nervous ! What if my flatmates aren't nice ? What if they don't like Archibald ? What if... too late. The door opens. In front of me stands one of my flatmates. She is my height, with shoulder-length brown hair, freckles on her face and beautiful blue eyes.

-Hi! She says, smiling. Come in! I'm Leonor.

-Nice to meet you! I'm Alyssa !

I put down my bags, pay the driver, and end up face to face with Leonor.

-I'm gonna call Jennifer, she must be in her room.

As she leaves to go and fetch her, I take a look around me. The appartment is bigger than it seemed on the pictures ! It is quite nice and wide. There is a big window in the living room from which we can see the streets and some gardens. I guess that the kitchen is in front of me, there is a delicious smell of freshly baked muffins coming out of this room.

Leonor comes back, followed by Jennifer. She is a tall, spanish style girl : long dark hair and wide brown eyes with a tanned skin. She wears a black leather jacket with matching jeans and high-heel boots that make her model silhouette even more beautiful.

-Hi ! I'm Jennifer ! She says. I'm really glad you arrived. It seems empty here when we are only two !

-We are going to show you your room. Follow us !

Each one of them grabs one of my bags and we walk across the appartment. It is really big for only four people !

-Here we are ! Says Leonor as she pushes the door open. This will be your room and Helen's. She is the last girl, and should arrive tonight as well. We'll leave you unpack your things !

The room is quite wide, there is a bed at each end and a window in the middle of the back wall. There is a big cupboard which I suppose, I will have to share with Helen. I let Archibald get out his box and put on a clean outfit before going into the kitchen to see the girls.

Leonor is taking out muffins from the oven and Jennifer is reading a fashion magazine.

-I baked muffins, do you want one ?

-Thank you very much! I say, grabbing one of them.

-I saw you have a guitar! Says Leonor. Do you like music ?

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