Chapter 13

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POV : Shawn Mendes

The party has begun an hour ago andmost of the people arrived. Some are already dancing in the living room where the music is playing loudly, others are talking and having a drink near the table that my friends and I organised like a bar.When I see Sam all by himself, I put down my glass on a table and join him.

-I everything OK dude ? You look worried...

-Yeah it's OK... It's just that the girls I invited didn't arrive yet...

-Oh! Helen and her friends ! I say, I remember you talk a lot about her !

-Yeah... She's so nice !

-Don't worry if she didn't text you. As long as she didn't tell you she's not coming, everything's OK !

When I say that, a smile appears on his face. But it's not my words that made him smile. He is staring at the door.

-Here they are ! He says excitedly.

I look up at the front door that Brian had just opened. Four girls just entered. I recognise Helen easily. Sam had told me about her long blonde hair. Then there is a tall spanish girl and a brunette, but when I look at the last girl entering the hall, my heart stops. Am I dreaming ? This can't be true ! That girl who just entered my house in her gorgeous silver dress is the beautiful singer from last night. She looks even more beautiful than in my memories.

Brian takes their coats and bags, Sam goes to greet them and I follow him.

-Hi! I say. Welcome to my home! I'm Shawn Mendes.

-Hi! Nice to meet you! I'mJennifer and this is Leonor. Thank you for inviting us.

-It's OK, all the pleasure is for me.

The girls present themselves and when I arrive in front of the last girl, I can't help admiring her. She has long dark and wavy hair and wide brown eyes.

-Hi ! She says. I'm Alyssa. Niceto meet you!

-I'm Shawn. Welcome to my home!

-Wait this is your home ?

-Yes it is!

-You're Sam's friend ?

-I am.

-How could he not tell me that!

She starts laughing joyfully and I grab her hand.

-Come on, let's have a drink!

I take her to the bar where we can talk calmly.

-So Alyssa, now that we can finally have a conversation. Tell me, have you been singing for a long time?

-If a week is a long time than yes...

-A week ? Really ? You've been singing for a week ? I don't believe you!

-Well yes. I started playing the guitar long before I arrived here, singing wasn't something I took too seriously.

-Before you arrived here ? Haveyou just moved in?

-No, actually I'm not from Canada at all... I live in Paris. I'm just staying here for a month and a half.Doing a work experience in that vet clinic.

-Oh I thought you actually were a vet.

-Haha no ! I'm a vet-to-be! And you ? Are you staying in Toronto?

-I'll be here for a couple of months! We'll be able to see each other again then !

-Yes please!

She has that gourgeous smile and this sense of humor that make me really want to be friends with her... We talk for a while and I discover a sweet person in her, a very kind girl, full of secrets.

Jason interrupts us in our conversation, inviting us for a game. We both follow him and join the other people sitting in a circle on the floor. Nick hands us both aglass and announces the rules.

« We're playing « I have never ». One person says a negation and if it is true for you, you drink. If not, you don't ! »

Everybody nods and Nick starts :

«I'm starting easily : I have never been to a foreign country!»

Only half of the people drink, none of my friends do. Jason continues : I have never tried any instrument. This time only a few people drink. This is easy. Those people have been invited by musicians! As more and more people talk and drink, the questions become weird and sometimes I have to lie to protect my image. When it is my turn to speak, I choose a simple question : I don't have a partner. I take a sip of my glass and next to me, Alyssa does too. Then she announces : I have never wanted to have another job than the one I have! Shedoesn't take her glass to her lips. Will I do it ? I remember wanting to be a sportsman when I was a kid... Should I drink or not ? I decide to leave my glass on the floor. That's true after all! She looks at me and smiles.

We finish the circle and when everyonehas spoken, we get up and Nick puts on some music so we can dance. My head is spinning a little, this game made me drink a bit too much. I manage to hold it together and try to act normal. I can see that Alyssa is in the same situation than me. She is sitting in a corner, speaking with Alex. When he sees me approaching, he leaves Alyssa alone.

-Hi ! I say. May I sit with you? I don't think I'll manage to dance normally...

-Of course you can ! She replies.

I sit down and decide to ask her that question I've been dying to tell her.

-I was thinking, maybe we could give each other our phone numbers so that we can meet again... would you mind...

-Of course not !

She hands me her phone and I can see she is blushing. Or maybe is it my imagination because of the alcohol in my blood... I take her phone number and give her mine. We stay there for a while, not talking about anything, just having a rest together, and I enjoy this moment, knowing her just next to me...

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