Chapter 19

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POV : Alyssa

-A singer Teddy ? Leonor asks. That's funny !

-I know, but that's what he told me.

-But where are we going to find this ?

-There's a huge toy's shop that opened a few months ago at the other end of the town. Says Jennifer. Maybe it sells teddies.

The girls and I went out for the day, and it ended up as a shopping session, as usual. I have to find a present for Shawn's birthday. As I am his girlfriend, I want to find the perfect gift, but I have absolutely no idea of what to get him, except for this teddy.

We finish eating our sandwiches and hop into Leonor's car to drive to this shop Jennifer told us about. When we arrive, I can guess we'll have a chance to find that teddy. The shop is actually an enourmous mall, like the New York's Toys'R'us !

-AAAAAAAH ! THIS IS SOOOO GREAT ! WE'LL HAVE SO MUCH FUN ! Helen screams, making my ears bleed.

She jumps off the car and starts running towards the mall, followed by Leonor. Both wearing pink outfits and screaming out loud, they look like grown up kids. Jennifer laughs and takes a picture of them.

-That's why I love them ! She says. Come on ! We've got a teddy to find and some fun to have.

We both walk to the shop and as soon as we enter, we are greeted by a fairy-dressed-up Helen and a pirate-Leonor.

-Look what we found ! They laugh.

-Girls you're so immature ! I love you so much !

We can't help running in the store, trying up the most horrible costumes and playing hide and seek. In half an hour, Helen had already dressed me up as a dinosaur, a princess, a flower and an octopus !

We finally decide to ask a salesman where the teddy bears are. He guides us across the store for 5minutes before leaving us in front of a door.

-So girls, here is the teddy section ! Leonor says, pushing the door open.

-Wow. That's a lot of teddy bears, Helen says, her jaw dropping.

In the room are thousands of teddies, all over shelves. The room is empty. There are just us and those mountains of teddies.

-Yippee !!!!!

We all start running all over, cuddling all the bears. There are all sorts. Normal teddies, sailor teddies, princess teddies, dressed up teddies, but as I keep on searching, I can't find a single singer teddy. Shawn's right. It's impossible to find. Who would have thought that in the middle of those thousands of teddies there wouldn't be a single singer teddy ? I start being discouraged when I suddenly see it. At the top of a shelf, two meters above ground, is the only singer teddy of the shop. Well it isn't actually a singer. It has a guitar, but I can guess it is the perfect one.

-Girls I found it ! I scream. It's here !

The girls arrive and Jennifer takes me on her shoulders for me to grab it. I nearly fell twice but I managed to get it without killing myself.

We walk out the store, only buying the teddy, (that's a miracle we didn't come home with half of the store!) and start stolling down the streets. Even though we found the teddy, I still don't have that special gift. We enter a few shops, Helen buys colorful T-Shirts, Leonor a CD, I keep looking everywhere but nothing seems special enough for Shawn. Jennifer enters a jeweller's shop and I follow her while Leonor and Helen have fun outside. There are rings and necklaces hung everywhere. Jennifer tries on so many jewels, I just take a look at them. Maybe I can find something for Shawn, I know he has a necklace and earrings. Around me are all sorts of jewels. There are rings shaped like dragons, leaves, swords... One suddenly catches my attention. It is shaped like two feathers. I don't know why but I can feel this ring is what I've been looking for. I buy it and the lady wraps it for me in a beautiful red paper.

-Did you find something ? Leonor asks me, putting on half a dozen of jewels on the counter.

-Yes ! I found a ring for Shawn. I hope he'll like it.

The girls and I spent the rest of the afternoon together and ended the day at the Drake's Underground. I am glad I found a present for Shawn. Leonor had the good idea of embroiding «Shawn» on one of the teddy's feet, and it looks great !

I put myself in bed and start thinking of Shawn's birthday. He said there will be good friends of him. I'm so excited ! I can't wait to spend this night with him ! He even invited my flatmates !

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