Part 2, chapter 3

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POV : Alyssa

As I am sitting at the library, studying biology, listening to «Add it up» by Shawn in my earphones, someone suddenly sits next to me, even though there are plenty of seats unoccupied.

-Hi Alyssa, he says. I was quite disappointed you didn't come last night...

-Hey James. I'm sorry I couldn't come.

-It's not that you couldn't. Just assume you didn't want to. May I know why?

-Listen. I don't think I can give you what you want. Tell me if I'm wrong, but you don't want us to be just friends. Do you ?

-You're right. But why did you reject my invitation? I can't see anyone else around you...

-That doesn't mean I'm single !

-But it looks like it.

-James. I can't give you what you want without betraying my boyfriend. This isn't something I can do. You're very sweet but I can't...

-Hey princess. What happens between us stays between us. If he isn't here, he won't know...

I stay shocked for a second before the words instantly come out of my mouth.

-Are you kidding? How can you even imagine that! I scream, standing up immediatly.

I didn't realise I just screamed in the middle of the library, and now everyone is staring at me. How embarassing. Seeing the librarian walking furiously in my direction, I grab my bag and rush out of the room before she arrives. I'm furious. How could he aks me that! Cheat on Shawn! I can't even imagine it! Never will I let him down. I am so angry that I feel tears coming to my eyes. I miss Shawn. It hurts horribly. What would I give to be in his arms just for a second, to feel his warmth on my skin, his lips on mine...

I take a look at my time table but I don't have anymore lesson today, so I just walk back to my flat, open my laptop and call Shawn on Skype. As I wait for him to answer, I dry the few tears that rolled down my cheeks and do my makeup again. I'm not sad, I just miss him, and I don't want him to worry about me.

-Hey my Rose! Where are you?

At the sound of his voice, my heart bounces in my chest. I let down my hairbrush and run to my bed (nearly squashing Archibald on my way) where I left my laptop.

-Hey Shawn !

Gosh seeing him feels so good, even if it's behind a screen, I feel less lonely. He's sitting on his bed as well, looking gorgeous as always.

-How are you babe? He asks gently.

-I'm Ok ! I'm fine! I say, lying a bit. I'm not fine. I want to hug him so hard... I want to be with him. And James doesn't arrange this...

-Are you sure? He sasks sceptiacally. You don't seem well... Are you sick?

-No don't worry. I just miss you so much... I want to be with you.

-I miss you too Alyssa. You can't even imagine how much !

-Oh I think I can guess.

-Should I sing a song to cheer you up?

-Oh yes please !

As he gets up to fetch his guitar, my heart races. He's going to sing for me! Isn't that cute? He's such a gentleman! He comes back with his instrument and lays comfortably on his bed before playing the first chords. He starts singing a beautiful melody I don't recognise. Is it a new song he just wrote? Am I the first one to hear it? How I missed this sight of his fingers running through the strings, his lips singing carefully and his eyes concentrating on the guitar...

(first song of the video)

-Sorry for the few wrong notes, he says at the end of the song. I'm still working on it, but I don't think I'll release it. It'll be our song Alyssa, just for you and I.

-It was beautiful! I loved it !Thank you...

-Now how about singing together? You're a singer too !

He plays a few notes and this time I immediatly recognise the song. The notes automatically come out of my mouth and he sings with me...

« I promise that one day I'll be around, I'll keep you safe, I'll keep you sound... »

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