Chapter 20: media

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-Bye Shawn, I love you ! Have a nice afternoon !

-Bye sweetheart ! I love you too !

He kisses me quickly before jumping in his car and driving away. I already miss him... Today, I spent the morning with him, we went to eat some ice cream in town and we laid in the grass, sleeping in the sun. Now he has to leave for an interview with CBS. It's the first time since we met that he leaves for his work, the first time he's not here in Toronto. He is only a few kilometers away and it seems to me he's at the other end of the country... Anyway, I'll have to get over this feeling if I don't want my heart to break when I'll go back to France.

I get into my car and drive back to my appartment where the girls are waiting for me. As soon as I get there, I grab an apple, sit in front of the TV and turn it on the CBS channel. I want to see Shawn on TV, I want to know what he's going to say.

-What are you watching ? Helen asks, sitting next to me.

-Shawn will be on TV, so I thought I'd watch him.

-Good idea! I'm watching with you !

I grab my phone and text Shawn :

«hi beautiful ! I'm watching you ! I wish you good luck ! Love you ! <3»

I know Shawn doesn't really like interviews because journalists always want to learn everything about your private life and he doesn't like to talk about that... Maybe this text will help him! I hope so.

I immediatly get my answer back :

«Thank you my Rose ! You are so sweet ! < 3»

A few seconds later, he appears on the screen. My heart bounces, just like everytime I see him. He is so handsome ! He wears a white shirt and his skinny black jeans. They make him irresistible, and his smile... OMG... it makes my heart melt !

I listen him carefully answer the journalist's questions about the tour he just finished, the songs heis writing, his crew, his awards... He is very calm when he talks, he rarely hesitates, it seems like he has answered those questions a thousand times, which is partly true... questions on interviews are always the same... As the interview arrives at its end, the unavoidale question arrives.

-Shawn, a magazine recently published that you are still single, is that true ?


He hesitates, passes his hand in his hair, he looks embarassed.

-Well what ? The journalist insists.

-Well actually I have a girlfriend now !

My heart stops and I drop my apple on the floor. Did he just talk about me to the whole world ?Without even asking my opinion?

-We've only been a couple for a week now, but I love her more than anything!

-And, may I ask you who she is? Is she a celebrity too ?

-I'm sorry, I won't tell you her name... She isn't a celebrity, and that makes me love her even more.

I can't believe he's just talked about me on TV. I never told him I was OK with the world knowing our relationship !

-Wow. That was unexpected... Leonor says behind me. Did you know ?

-No I didn't know he would say that! Not now ! Not after a week of relationship !

I turn the TV off, I'm mad at him. I may seem like I'm overreacting but he's only been my boyfriend for a week and now the whole world knows it!

I put on sports pants and a T-shirt and go out for a run. It'll help me calm down. I run to the garden where I like to go with my friends and after 30 minutes of sport, I decide to catch my breath and call Shawn. We need to talk. I dial his number and he answers quickly.

-Hey sweetie, what's up?

-Well guess ! I say cynically.

-Is it about what I said at the interview ?

-Well done Sherlock ! Tell me, why didn't you ask me before? Ask if I was OK with you telling the whole world about our relationship? It's been only a week !

I am getting so angry, I try to contain myself, I don't want to hurt him. But I still want him to know that I'm hurt...

-Hey listen to me babe. I made a mistake not talking with you about this. But I didn't say your name, and I thought about this answer before. It's better for you that I tell my fans I'm in a relationship, rather that them discovering it by themselves. This would be a scandal ! And you don't know how many papparazis there are in Toronto ! I couldn't have hidden this so much longer to my fans.

-I understand. But still, I would have appreciated we had this talk together before the interview.

-I know, I'm sorry.

He apologises one more time and then hangs up. I run back to my appartment quite quickly, the night has fallen now and I don't like being alone in a city at night.

As soon as I arrive, I take a quick shower and put on my PJs, which are a pair of PJ shorts and one of Shawn's sweaters. I make myself comfortable on my bed when the doorbell rings. Leonor gets up to open and I stay lying on my bed, when she calls me.

-Alyssa, there's someone for you !

I get up and see Shawn standing in the hall, looking at me with sad eyes. The girls leave us both alone in the room and Shawn walks towards me. He takes me in his arms and whispers :

-I'm so sorry Alyssa... So sorry... I feel bad about it... I'm so sad I hurt you...

-It's OK...

-No it's not... I know you are hurt because of me...

He takes my face in his hands and kisses me on the lips.

-I'll do all I can to protect you from the medias. I'll keep you safe from all this shit.

-Thank you.

-I won't tell your name, I won't publish your face, not until you are ready. We'll stay hidden from this. We'll stay just the two of us.

He hugs me tight and it comforts me to feel his strong arms around me. There is nothing such as this feeling to make me feel good again. He looks at me deep in the eyes and smiles. This irresistible smile.

-I love you Alyssa. More than anything.

-I love you even more !

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