Chapter 4: The Drake Underground

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POV : Alyssa                      media: the Drake Underground

I am the first one to wake up this morning. I put on shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt and get out silently of my bedroom as Helen is still fast asleep. The sun has already risen in the sky and it fills my heart with joy. My first day in Toronto is starting ! I prepare coffe and set the table for breakfast in the living room. As I put down the last plates, Jennifer enters. Her eyes are still sleepy and her hair is messy but she is still classy in her PJs.

-Hi Alyssa. Already dressed up ?

-Yep ! Ready for the day !

-Wow... how can you be so full of energy so early in the morning ?

-Well... it's already 9.30. am !

-Yeah that's super early !

She grabs a mug and fills it with coffee before lying on the couch.

-I love the view we have from this window. She says.

-I do too !

We are at the third floor, which is perfect to have a good view outside. Behind a fiew trees, we can see the city-centre buildings, the famous CN tower and a bit of the Ontario lake. It really is beautiful !

We stay silent for a while, admiring the view, until Leonor and Helen enter the room at the same time.

-Hi girls ! Did you sleep well? I ask.

-Yeah ! Too well ! It made me hungry !

-I prepared coffee and toast for you !

-You're perfect !

We all sit in the couches and start eating and chatting.

-Would you like to visit the city today ? We could go shopping if you want !

-Oh I'd love to ! Says Helen.

-We could go shopping and visiting during the afternoon, suggests Jennifer, and then take them to the Drake Underground tonight. It's a must-see. Especially for Alyssa !

-Great idea ! She's gonna love it !

-What's the Drake Underground ?

-You'll see ! Says Leonor. I'm so excited !

-Now let's get ready girls! Shopping's waiting for us !

We all get up and prepare ourselves for the day. I put on comfortable sneakers and my « youth» sweatshirt, take a backpack and my purse, tie my hair into a ponytail and wait for the other girls in the hall. Jennifer arrives, wearing tight jeans and sneakers, Leonor chose a blue T-shirt and Helen is colorful as ever.

-I took my camera ! She says. I love photography ! I'd like to take beautiful pictures of you !

-No problem ! Take as much as you want !

-Thank youuuuuuuu !


We've been strolling down the streets, laughing, enjoying the day for nearly four hours. We are now heading to that famous Drake Underground, our bags full of new stuff we bought. I still don't know what this place is but Jen and Leonor are so excited about it ! We arrive at the building with a black front on which is written « The Drake Hotel » in white capital letters.

-This is it ! Here we are! Announces Jennifer.

Leonor grabs my hand and drags me inside, a wide smile on her face. Helen is laughing behind me, what a bunch of funny girls we make ! I can't help laughing too, their excitment makes me happy. We enter the building and once inside, my heart stops. Wow ! What a place ! There is only one big crouded room, at the back is a stage, on which a group of musicians are performing rock music. On the right is a big bar and on the left are tables and chairs. The music is quite loud and everyone seems to enjoy it. People are dancing or singing along with the band... I love this atmosphere ! We make our way in the dark, slaloming between the people to get to the bar. Leonor orders four beers, and even though we are not all 21, they still serve them to us.

-This place is so great ! Explains Leonor. You can come every night to have some fun here. Either there are some musicians, either they just put on music on the speakers, but you'll always have a great time to party here.

-Musicians who perform here aren't famous but it leads them to become more and more popular. I love the concept. They are really good each time ! And sometimes you've got a celebrity that shows up on stage !

-Is only rock music played here ?

-No, there are all types of music. Pop, rock, jazz, classical... Leonor played a few times here !


-Yes I did ! And I definitely will do it again ! Would you like to perform here Alyssa ? Once you are ready to sing a song or two ?

-I could sing here ? In front of all these people ? I'd love to !

-Of course you can ! You just have to ask the owner ! You don't even have to pay !

-Well then OK ! Once I'm ready, I'll go on stage !

-Hi girls ! How are you ? I didn't expect seeing you here !

-Hey Sam ! Exclaims Jen. How are you ?

-I'm fine, are these girls your new flatmates ?

-Yes ! This is Helen and this is Alyssa. She likes music too.

-Hi ! I say. Glad to meet you ! Do you like music as well ?

-I do. I have some close friends that are musicians so... music is part of my life ! And you? What makes music part of yours ?

-I play guitar and Leonor will teach me how to sing. She wants me to get on that stage. I say, pointing towards the back of the room.

-Then I'll come the day you get up there, and I'll bring my friends with me !

Sam is a really kind boy. He's tall, blonde and has beautiful brown eyes. He gave me his phone number so that we could keep in touch and maybe see each other again. I'm so happy I met friends that like music as much as I do ! I'll be able to share my passion with them. When I'm in France, I can't live that passion fully as I am the only musician of my family. No one likes music like me, and I can't listen out loud to my favorite artists. Here, I'll be able to listen, play AND sing music as much as I want !

We didn't come back home very late that night as I have to go to the vet clinic tomorrow, but we had so much fun ! We danced all together and with Sam, like nobody was around us, and this is one of the best feelings on earth !

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