Chapter 6: This girl...

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POV : Shawn

Nick told me that Sam's trying to make his own music and that he is practicing every night so I decided to go and see him today, to encourage and help him. I forgot my airpods at home so I look around me while walking. I know this walk by heart, as I have been to Sam's hundreds of times. I enjoy the warmth of the afternoon sun on my face and listen to the birds singing. I feel so happy today ! I turn and I can see at the end of the road the vet clinic where my mom takes her dog Penelope sometimes. I remember that when I was a kid, I often went with her. These memories make me smile as I continue to walk down the street.

POV : Alyssa

What an exhausting day today ! The vet had two surgeries to do and a very important examination of a dog, plus hundreds of vaccinations... I feel really tired, that's a lot for a first day ! I feed the cats and dogs that will stay at the clinic tonight, change their blankets and make sure the heating lamp is working well and I can finally take off my white coat.

-So, did you like this day ? Asks the vet.

-Yes I loved it ! It was quite tiring but very interesting !

-Haha you'll get used to standing up all day ! The first days, your legs wil hurt but it'll soon get better !

-I hope so ! Otherwhise I won't make it to the end of the week !

I pick up my bag, put my coat in it and step out of the clinic. What a beautiful afternoon ! The street is empty, there is only one person walking along, on the other side of the road. I can't help looking at him. He seems to be my age, tall, with brown hair. He turns his head to look at me and at that moment, my heart stops. That boy staring at me over there is Shawn Mendes. I can't help smiling at him kindly. Wow he really is beautiful ! When he smiles back at me, my heart explodes in my chest. Oh my God. Shawn Mendes smiled back at me ! He continues walking by and I grab my backpack to go home, the other way. I wish this moment had last forever. It was magical ! Now I will always remember this day !

POV : Shawn Mendes

As I walk across the vet clinic, someone steps out of it. I am very curious, so I turn my head to look at her. She is the only person in the street with me. The girl on the other side of the road looks at me and smiles. But her smile isn't the one I am used to. I isn't a smile of an overexcited fan. It is kind and loving. I stare at her for a second. She is quite beautiful. Long dark hair and big brown eyes, a pale skin and such a beautiful smile ! I can't stare at her forever so I turn my head around and continue walking. I keep thinking of that moment for a while. It was really strange. This girl's attitude wasn't the one I'm used to. She is different from all the fans I have ever met. Maybe it's because she is not a fan, maybe she doesn't know who I am, or didn't recognise me... Oh come on Shawn ! Who doesn't know you, who doesn't recognise you ? You were alone in the street. And just remember how she looked at you ! She clearly recognised you! I say to myself. That girl was different... and that moment was unique.

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