Chapter 8

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POV : Alyssa

We had a drink all together in town yesterday night, with Jen, Leonor, Helen and Sam. He had brought a friend with him named Alex. He is as kind as Sam, and I must admit he is quite cute ! We walked along some avenues and Sam showed us a garden he likes to go to at night. There are bunches of trees and some spaces on which I would like to lay and watch the stars for hours. I enjoyed spending time with them. I am lucky I have met these cool guys. I was scared of not being able to make friends in Canada, not being able to get used to the different culture as I come from the other side of the planet, but they understand me and are really kind and loving.


I pick up my bag, another tiring day at the vet clinic has ended. That job is made for me but I have to get used to standing up all day and never resting, after all these years at school staying on a chair....

My phone rings, I have just recieved a text from Sam.

Sam : Hi Alyssa ! You remember I said I'd teach you how to play « Mutual » from Shawn Mendes ?

-Of course ! I answer. How could I forget that !

Sam : Great ! What do you think of meeting tonight at that garden I showed you yesterday? Then I can teach you that song ! How about 8 pm ?

-Great idea ! I'll bring my guitar !

I take a look at the time, it's 4.30pm. I grab my bag and step outside the clinic. Just as yesterday, I am all alone in the street. There is only one person with me. I take a look at him and my heart immediatly races. It is Shawn Mendes again. I can't move. I am just standing there, outside the door, staring at him. Gosh he is so handesome ! He turns his head towards me and looks at me in the eyes. This time, he is the one smiling first, which instantly makes me smile too. He doesn't immediatly break the eye contact, and I can feel I am blushing. Even though he is too far to see it, I feel embarrassed, and turn around to go home.

On the way back to my appartment, I think of that eye contact Shawn established with me. He had that amused smile. I could read on his face « you again ? ». I start laughing all alone in the street. People must think I am crazy but I don't care ! What if I see Shawn every day ? We could have those moments just the two of us. I hope he'll remember me in the future. But I realise I am making myself films again. « don't dream too big » I tell myself. Nothing happened. What would you want him to remember you for ? He sees thousands of girls smiling at him everyday and I doubt that he remembers all of them. He must have smiled just to please me. I don't know what to think of these moments... I'll see the next days if I see him again.


I find Sam waiting for me in the dark, in the middle of the lawn. He smiles as he sees me arriving. I unpack my guitar and sit next to him. It is warm tonight and it is nice to feel the fresh grass under us.

-Ready ? He asks.

-Ready !

He picks up his guitar and starts playing a few chords. A nearby lamppost gives us a good light and I can look at his fingers playing the music. I try to play them myself and after a few tries I manage to play the beginning. He finishes teaching me the music and after some time, we end up singing together. I enjoy this moment so much ! We are all alone in the garden, sitting in the grass under a lamppost, singing one of my favorite songs, our guitars in our hands...

-You are a good singer ! You don't need an lesson. He says.

-Thank you !

-I invite you to the Drake Underground Friday night ! I want you on the stage !

-What ?? Have you gone mad ? I'm not ready !

-You will be by there ! You just have to prepare a song or two !

-Ok... I guess I don't have the choice.

-No you don't ! He says, laughing.

He suddenly stands up and helps me get up too.

-I'm starving he says. Have you already eaten dinner ?

-No I haven't. What time is it ?

-It's already 10.30 pm. Gosh time flies !

We packed up our stuff and he took me to a small shop. He ordered two sandwiches and we ate them while strolling down the streets. We had a good time together as he took me back to the appartment.

-That was a cool night we had together. He says, as we arrive in front of the building. I can't wait for Friday !

-You're getting me nervous !

-There's no reason to be nervous ! You're going to kill it !

He hugs me goodbye and I walk up the stairs as he turns around. The girls are already asleep so I get ready silently not to wake them up. Once in bed, I think of that afternoon I spent : Shawn Mendes, Sam... I close my eyes and fall asleep, thinking of those moments we spent, just the two of us.

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